My Birth
I was born on January 26 in 'First May" Hospital, my mom was 39 years old and she was ssterilized, practically I was like a miracle. -
My first word and my first step
My family taught me to speak few words and insisted in put me in the floor to learn to walk. After a lot of falls, I finally achieve it. -
Graduation from Kindergarten
I achieved two diplomas of first place for my academic excellence during the two years I was in there. After that, I moved out to Santa Ines School. -
First grade graduation
My new school celebrate a ceremony when a girl pass from ''preparatoria'' to ''First Grade'' or ''Primer Grado''. I recieved a diploma too. -
Languaje Competition
My school picked me for participate in a language competition in representation of my classroom (third grade), I achieved the second place, but I was really disappointed. -
I was chosen the president of my classroom. -
I appear in ''Viva la manana'' program. -
Guitar Classes
I started guitar classes. I remember was the only girl that was learning and the other students were boys, but I felt I was good enough to be there and achieve what I wanted.
I was supposed to appear in a reportage on tv, but by personal reasons I didn't do it -
Final average
I was in ninth grade and I achieved a ten in my final average in english and another in math.