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My 3 Erikson Timeline Events

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    Trust vs. Mistrust
    Baby Eva has developed a trust for her mother to come to her aid when she cries. So the next time she's hungry, she'll cry so her mother will come and feed her.
    In Erikson's first stage of Trust vs. Mistrust:
    The crisis between developing a trust for those in your life or developing a mistrust leading to poor social support, isolation and loneliness.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Eva (age 26) marries her long-time partner of 3 years, making the decision to spend the rest of her life with her, taking her last name and moving in with one another.
    In Erikson's sixth stage of development, Intimacy vs. Isolation:
    The crisis between opening up and becoming emotionally devoted to someone intimately for the rest of their life, or not developing this bond with anyone and isolating oneself, creating strict boundaries with emotions/feelings and not committing in relationships.
  • Integrity vs. Despair

    Integrity vs. Despair
    Eva (age 73) dies with her wife of 47 years, 2 children and 3 grandchildren by her side. Knowing she worked all her life to provide for her wife and set up her children to be successful, she had no regrets and fell to rest peacefully.
    In Erikson's eighth stage of Integrity vs. Despair:
    The crisis between living a prosperous life with no regrets and dying with a sense of peace, or thinking their life had been wasted, feeling regret, and being left with a bitterness and sadness.