X mas with jameson

My 1st timeline

By Haley21
  • My older step brother was born

    My older step brother was born
    My step brother was bron this day. I didnt see him tell he was 4 years old.
  • Period: to

    When I was born

  • 9-11

    The twin towers fell down. The Islamic terrorist group made airpaine is to them. It was so sad
  • The best people came into my life

    The best people came into my life
    My step dad and my step brother came into my life. I dont know what I would do without eather of them around me. I would be so sad if they left.
  • Najeh's birthday

    Najeh's birthday
    My cousion was born on this day.
  • My little brother was born

    My little brother was born
    My first real brother came into the world this day. I was so happy about it.
  • Paul Walker Dead

    Paul Walker Dead
    He was an awesome actor. I could not belive that he was really dead.I was so sad ;(. I wish he was back