My 10 year plan

  • Senior year

    Have agreat GPA
    Apply for colleges
    Do voluenteer hours
    do internship
  • start College

    Do bio and physical science classes
  • Year 3

    General Chemistry lab class and Organic chem lab
  • year 4

    Take a semester of Calculus
  • year 5

    Apply for vet school
    Do internship and keep track of hours
  • year 6

    Vet school
    study for everything
  • year 7

    Take more vet school classes and work
  • year 8

    Vet school and work
    study for everything
  • year 9

    Finish vet school study and work hard
  • year 10

    Take Vet Oath
    Work in a clinic full time
    Eventually own my own clinic