MWH Honors Timeline #1

By jnestor
  • 1316

    Mikhail Romanov becomes ruler of Russia

    Mikhail Romanov proclaimed himself the Russian Tsar, beginning the Romanav Dynasty
  • 1356

    Nobles Start Electing Holy Emperor

    Nobles would choose the Emperor instead of them fighting for it
  • 1368

    Ming Dynasty in China

    The Ming Dynasty overthrew the Mongols in China, but continued many of the same practices.
  • 1415

    Portuguese capture Ceuta

    Portuguese capture Ceuta and their empire starts
  • 1428

    Mexica begins conquest

    Mexica begin to conquer surrounding territories of Mexico
  • 1433

    End of Zheng He's explorations

    Zheng He was a Chinese Admiral who was in charge of many maritime expeditions. He died in 1433
  • 1438

    Pachakuti launches Inca conquests

    Pachakuti became the leader of the Inca Empire and built Maccha Picchu
  • 1453

    Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople

    Ottomans conquer the capital Constantinople and rename it Istanbul, therefor ending the Byzantine Empire
  • 1453

    End of Hundred Years War

    War that lasted over a hundred years between England and France, about who would be the successor to the French Crown.
  • 1492

    End of Reconquista

    The Reconquista was a series of battles fought between Christian and Muslim people in hopes of removing the Muslims from Spain
  • 1556

    Akbar becomes Mughal emperor

    Emporor Akbar becomes the Mughal Emperor, bringing the Empire to its strongest