Familia feliz vectores eps csp38958732

My time line

  • 2002 BCE


    I was borned on november 30 in México city
  • Period: 2002 BCE to

    My time line

    Miguel Angel Cortés Sandoval
  • Betweened preschool

    Betweened preschool
    I do not remembered that event very well but they allí day i cried
  • Betweened Elementary school

    Betweened Elementary school
    I remembered that in Elementary school everyting was very simple
  • I knewed they sea

    I knewed they sea
    As a child i was very afraided of the sea but afthered a while ir a lot
  • Finished Elementary school

    Finished Elementary school
    I was much fear for the exam for entering high school
  • Enter high school

    Enter high school
    I remembered that sus not liked high school not for the subjects or teachers but because of their students
  • Shifted changed

    Shifted changed
    I shifted changed for that comback too night and i did not hace mucho time
  • Finished high school

    Finished high school
    I finished high school and stared the studyes for the exam COMIPEMS
  • Results of the exam COMIPEMS

    Results of the exam COMIPEMS
    This day i was worried and streesed and then at 11:30 check the results and then i stayted un high school four
  • Estudy un the prepa 4

    Estudy un the prepa 4
    This is a very important staged of my life sincera i only need this step to be un the college