Mutli Genre Project

  • Founded Apple Computer

    Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and with the help of Armas Clifford "Mike" Markkula founded Apple Computers to market the Apple I.
  • Apple II

    Apple launches the Apple II. The Apple II system was later copied by IBM and was launched as the IBM PC. The Apple II was the first widely distributed microcomputer.
  • Macintosh project

    Steve Jobs takes over the Macintosh project. Apple "welcomes" IBM into the PC Business in an ad. Steve Wozniak Partially retires from apple.
  • The Mac

    Apple launches the "Test a Mac" promotional video. Customers were able to take a Mac home for 24 hours free of charge.
  • Falter of Mac and Steve Jobs

    The sales of the Mac slowed down because there were too few applications available. The CEO of Apple, John Sculley, relieved Steve Jobs of his duties. Steve Jobs then leaves Apple and founds his own computer company NeXT Inc.
  • Mac II

    Apple builds the Mac II. The first Mac doesn't does not rely of an all-in-one design. The Mac II supports color display.
  • Microsoft vs Apple

    Apple sues Microsoft over similarities between Windows and Mac OS. Microsoft counterclaims and refers to the license agreement from 1985. Apple is unable to stop the development of Windows.
  • Macintosh Portable

    Apple releases the Macintosh Portable. The Macintosh Portable weighs 7 kg and was initially shipped with a black light screen. Because of this the Macintosh Portable did not sell well.
  • Mac Notebook

    after the whole debacle with the Macintosh Portable Apple launched a much lighter and compact version. The PowerBook 100, the first true Mac notebook.
  • "Star Trek" Project

    Apple and Novell launch the "Star Trek" project which is supposed to get the Macintosh operating system using Intel hardware. The project is later abandoned in 1993.
  • Power Macintosh

    Apple launches the first Power Macintosh. The Power Macintosh does not contain the 680×0 processor from Motorola anymore, but instead more modern PowerPC chips created by Motorola and IBM.
  • 20th Anniversary

    to mark the 20th Anniversary of Apple they release the 20th Anniversary Mac. In an all-in-one design, Apple installs an LCD flat-panel display for desktop Macs.
  • Steve Jobs Back?

    Apple decides to take over NeXT, Steve Jobs's company, so that they can use NeXT's operating system. This deal also brings back Steve Jobs to Apple. This was initially just for consulting.
  • CEO

    Gil Amelio resigns from the position of CEO at Apple, which leaves room for Steve Jobs at the top of the company.
  • iMac

    Steve Jobs transformed Apple's offerings, by getting rid of products like the Apple Newton and releasing the iMac. This is the first Mac was a USB and SCSI port.
  • Multi Media Package

    The Mac hardware came with a Multimedia software package. This introduced this like iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, Garage Band, and iWeb. With this package, the Mac was turned into the "hub" of digital life.
  • Power Mac G4 Cube

    In 2000, the Power Mac G4 Cube was introduced. It had a cube design and worked as a desktop computer without a fan. However due to the high price and poor expansion options, it lost a lot of buyers.
  • Apple Store

    Apple opens its first-ever retail store. Because of the new store, Apple can address customers directly
  • PowerBook G4

    With the introduction of the new 17-inch PowerBook G4, Apple becomes the first manufacturer to come out with a notebook with that large of a screen.
  • Pancreatic Cancer

    In the summer of 2004, Steve Jobs out and announced to his work staff that he had been diagnosed with dangerous pancreatic cancer. Luckily, he could be treated by a successful surgery. COO Tim Cook takes over at Apple for four weeks while Steve Jobs battles his cancer..
  • Steve Jobs Speach

    Steve Jobs delivers a speech to graduates of Stanford University. He survived a successful cancer treatment. This was one of the only times Steve Jobs was so open about his life.
  • Intel Processors

    Apple launches the first Macs with Intel Processors at Mac World Expo. The first available Macs with Intel are the iMac and MacBook Pro.
  • iPhone

    In 2007 Apple launched a product that revolutionised the whole phone market. That product is the iPhone.
  • MacBook Air & iPhone

    Apple produced the lightest and thinnest Mac notebook ever, the MacBook Air. Apple also comes out with the iPhone 3G which supports UMTS and has a GPS receiver.
  • iPad

    Steve Jobs introduces the iPad in San Francisco. Apple wasn't the first to come out with a tablet computer but unlike the Microsoft tablet, the iPad was a great success.
  • Steve Jobs Death

    On October 5, 2011, Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. right after Steve Jobs's death, Apple becomes the world's most valuable publicly traded company.
  • iPhone 5

    Phil Schiller and Tim Cook released the new iPhone 5 that runs on iOS 6.
  • Beats

    Beats is a company that was formed by hip-hop star Dr. Dre. Apple bought this company for $3 billion.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple's new product the Apple smartwatch hits the market. The watches have such high demand that initially apple only sells them online or in select fashion boutiques.
  • iPhone 11

    Apple comes out with the iPhone 11 which replaces the iPhone XR. For the first time, the cheapest iPhone offers a dual camera system.