Formation of independent Italy
Battle of Novara, one of the battles that led to the formation of the modern Italy after the Italian war of independence -
Papal States taken over by the new nation of Italy
Historic map showcasing how much territory is taken by Italians, shows their increasing influence in the region over the pope. -
Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
British Illustration of the Battle of Adwa. Showcases the intense fighting in which Italy lost and illuminated the incapability of the Military. -
Italy invades and takes over Libya
Artist depicts how Italian military took over Libya through the soldier taking the close staff thing from the Libyan. -
Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
One of the covers of the Avanti newspaper. "Socialista" on the front with a women with a cloth that has Liberty in italian. Mussolini used this "freedom" inducing newspaper to share his ideas -
Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW I
Political cartoon showing how Italy is neutral and does not want to take any sides in the war. Mussolini argued against the neutrality and said to join the war which got him kicked out. -
Treaty of London
Picture showcases the territories Italy was promised at the treaty of London which they did not receive. -
Beginning of Biennio Rosso
Cover picture depicts how Laborers, women, politicians, etc, were all in social unrest during Italy's red years -
Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
The symbol of the Fasci di Combattimento showing an axe and crow which symbolized the killing of opposing sociaists however the wings also symbolize the freedom gained by killing opposition. -
D’Annunzio takes Fiume
Nationalistic Italian was chosen for this because after D'Annunzio took Fiume it spurred nationalistic pride within Italians because they were not about to take disrespect from not getting the territory they were promised. -
Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
Mussolini's blackshirts were what Giolotti hoped to gain so he could expand his political power. -
12. Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
This picture was chosen because it is the official logo of the PNF and shows the italian flag. -
Battle for Grain
This is a picture of an italian propaganda poster to the italian people, pushing for the battle for increased grain. -
March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
This picture shows many members of the fascist party marching through the streets, ready to take rome. -
Corfu Incident
This picture shows where Corfu is, and shows how the incident took place on Greek soil, leading to its crisis. -
Acerbo Law passed
This picture is of Giacomo Acerbo, the man who proposed the Acerbo Law. -
Matteotti Crisis
This is a political cartoon portraying Mussolini sitting on Matteotti's grave, showing his part in his death. -
Aventine Secession
This is a picture of Aventine hill, which the Aventine group based their name on from when the roman population would go there in protest. -
Locarno Treaty signed
This picture shows Mussolini at the treaty negotiations, among many other world leaders to sign the Locarno treaty. -
Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
This is a lira coin, which was dropping heavily in value, leading mussolini to begin his battle for the lira. -
Battle for Births
This picture is of Mussolini holding up a kid, posing with family, contributing to his propaganda for having kids in his battle for births. -
Lateran Treaty with Pope
This picture shows Mussolini and the Pope together signing the Lateran Treaties. -
Kellogg briand treaty
This picture shows many world leaders, containing Mussolini as part of the treaty. -
Stresa front
Picture of Mussolini with British and French leaders for the treaty. -
Abyssinian Axis
Picture showing one front of the war. -
Italian intervention in the Spanish civil war
Picture showing Italian soldiers in this war helping. -
Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
This picture shows Mussolini and Hitler, the two leaders of both parts of the treaty. -
Munich Conference
This picture shows leaders like mussolini, Hitler, etc at the conference. -
Italy invades Albania
This picture shows Italian tanks moving through Albania as they take it. -
Italy joins WW2 on the side of Germany
This shows Mussolini and Hitler together, showing their alliance. -
Mussolini bought down by coup during WW2
This is an article detailing the fact that Mussolini is not in power. -
Mussolini Death
A picture of a news article reporting that Mussolini was killed.