Mussolini's rise to power.

  • Benito Mussolini is born.

  • Mussolini moves to Switzerland.

  • Mussolini returns to Italy.

  • Mussolini becomes the editor of an Italian Socialist newspaper.

  • Mussolini publishes articles encouraging Italy to join the war.

  • Mussolini founded the Fascist Party.

  • Mussolini joins the Italian army.

  • Mussolini is injured and dicharged from the army.

  • Mussolini forms the Fasci di Combattimento, a nwe political group.

  • They adopted the term "Fascist Party".

  • The Blackshirts use violence and intimidation to suppress other political parties.

  • Mussolini proposes that the party launch a secret attack on Rome.

  • March into Rome.

  • The goverment resings due to the king's inaction.

  • Mussolini is offered to creat a new goverment.

  • Mussolini is declared the Prime Minister of Italy.

  • The Acerbo Law is passed by Mussolini's goverment.

  • Mussolini declares himself a dictator.

  • Mussolini signs the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican.

  • Mussolini launches an invasion of Ethiopia.

  • Ethiopia surrenders.

  • Pact of Steel with Germany.

  • Italy enter in WW II.