
Mussolini Project

By kyraa
  • The Formation of an independent Italy

    The Formation of an independent Italy
    The formation of the modern day Italy began with the unification of most of the Italian peninsula under the House of Savoy into the Kingdom of Italy.
  • Papal states taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal states taken over by new nation of Italy
    In September of 1870, the Italians entered the papal states and annexed them and Rome to become the Kingdom of Italy.
  • Failure of the first Italo-Ethipoian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)

    Failure of the first Italo-Ethipoian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
    In December of 1894, a decision was made where African forces took over a European colonial power
  • Italy Invades and takes over Libya

    Italy Invades and takes over Libya
    In 1911, Libya, formerly the Ottoman Empire, was occupied by Italy after the Italo-Turksih War.
  • Mussolini kicked out of socialist party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI

    Mussolini kicked out of socialist party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI
    In 1914, as Mussolini was working for the socialist party, he became the leader of the City Council Of Milan.
  • Mussolini begins work as an editor for the Socialist Newspaper Avanti

    Mussolini begins work as an editor for the Socialist Newspaper Avanti
    After Mussolini split from the Italian Socialist party, he began working as an editor for the Socialist Newspaper Avanti to spread Pro-war ideas.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    The Treaty of London was signed on April 26, 1915, by Great Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. This was done to make Italy allied with the Triple Entente, who promised them land if they took part in the war. This is significant as it made Italy, who remained neutral for a large part of WW1, fight and side with the Triple Entente. The picture used here shows Italy alongside the land that was promised to them in this agreement.
  • The Beginning of Bienno Rosso

    The Beginning of Bienno Rosso
    The Biennio Rosso was from 1919 to 1920 where social and political conflict occurred in Italy after World War 1. It was significant to Italy because it was the reason why the Fascist Blackshirts started inflicting violence. Also, it resulted in Mussolini marching on Rome in 1922. The image shown depicts those who were fighting and protesting during Bienno Rosso.
  • Fascio di combattimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di combattimento formed in Milan
    The Fasci di combattimento was formed by Mussolini (had a different name previously) and had an ideology centered around nationalism and Italy's joining of WW1 and based around Mussolini's politics with socialist ideas. The image used shows the symbol for it.
  • D'Annunzio takes Fiume

    D'Annunzio takes Fiume
    On September 12, 1919, D'Annunzio led a successful force to take Fiume. On that same day, he declared it was Annexed. However, the Italian government opposed and ended up creating a blockade and his men surrendered. The image used here shows the land of Fiume that was taken.
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    The battle for land called for the clearing of land to be used for farming as a result of the Battle for Grain. The battle for the Lira aimed to strengthen Italy’s currency. This benefited the industries as imported goods were made cheaper. However, this led to lowered the living standards for the working class. The photo is a piece of propaganda for the Battle for land which pictures Mussolini helping clear land and shows how the Italian people were influenced by the government.
  • Mussolini forms an alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini forms an alliance with Giolitti
    In October 1921, Mussolini formed an alliance with former prime minister GIolitti. This was a national bloc electoral alliance. This is significant because during this time 35 fascists--including Mussolini--were elected. This image is of Giolitti.
  • Mussolini forms PNF (fascist party) and is elected leader

    Mussolini forms PNF (fascist party) and is elected leader
    The National Fascist Party (PNF) was formed by Mussolini on November 9, 1921. This party is significant to the history of Italy as it was in power and ruled Italy from 1922 to the fall of the Fascist regime in 1943. The image used shows the symbol for the PNF.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    The Ras led a march on Rome in hopes to go from local to national power. Mussolini agrees but prepares to hide in Switzerland. King Victor Emmanuel III redacts the warrant for Mussolini's arrest and appoints him prime minister to bring law and order. This picture depicts the actual march.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    Forced Greece to pay 50 million lires for killing an Italian General. This helped Mussolini win the 1924 elections and helped with his threat to abolish Parliament. The picture illustrates the region of the event.
  • Acerbo Law passed

    Acerbo Law passed
    New electoral law that gave the party that won the most votes two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. This was intended to give Italy a strong and stable government ( Fascists had control over the government legally). This picture outlines what the law contains.
  • Aventine Secession

    Aventine Secession
    Opposition deputies (mainly socialist, communist and radical Popolari) boycotted Parliament in protest of Mussolini as prime minister. They claimed they were the true Democratic representatives of the Italian people. Picture from the event.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    Matteotti Crisis
    Giacomo Matteotti was abducted and murdered by Amerigo Dumini’s fascist thugs when he threatened the results of the previous selection. This led to an association with Mussolini and people distanced themselves from fascists. The photo is a picture of Matteotti.
  • Locarno Treaty Signed

    Locarno Treaty Signed
    Series or agreements were Italy, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Belgium mutually guaranteed peace in Western Europe. Picture from the treaty signing.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    The battle for grain was an economic policy implemented in Italy in 1925 by the fascist party to make Italy self-sufficient in wheat. This policy put taxes on imported bread to encourage the people to make and sell their own bread. Long term, this policy increased Italian grain production by 50%. The picture is a piece of propaganda which shows how Italians were encouraged to buy Italian grown grain after the strategy was implemented.
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    The Battle for Births was an economic policy implemented in 1927 which gave benefits to married couples and people with children in an attempt to increase the population by 20 million people by 1950. This was considered a failure as there was no discernable change in the time of Mussolini’s reign nor in the long-term projection of 1950. This image shows the Mothers Medal women were awarded for having over 5 children which shows how people were incentivized to have children.
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
    The Kellogg-Briand Treaty was a treaty that outlawed war between the fifteen countries who signed it. This was created in an effort to prevent another world war due to spreading militarism. The photo shows the many leaders from the countries involved in the pact which shows the extent which war had to be prevented.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    The Lateran Treaty with Pope was a treaty signed between Italy and the Vatican to recognize the state of Italy and give the pope independence. The photo shows the ones this treaty held in power, and the pedestal they were put on.
  • Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War

    Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
    Italian military intervention in Spain against France took place to support nationalist against the 2nd Spanish Republic. The picture chosen shows Corpo Truppe Volontarie, an Italian Fascist expeditionary force sent to Spain.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Abyssinian Crisis
    International crisis that occurred during the conflict between Italy and Ethiopia (Also due to Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia) Some believe the crisis destroyed the League of Nation’s credibility. The picture below shows the moving of Italian forces into Albania.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    An alliance formed between Britain, France, and Italy out of concern for future German action. This alliance also guaranteed that any German attempts to change Versailles would be refuted. The formation of this alliance shows the active effort against the spread of Hitler’s power. The photo shows politicians surrounded by soldiers at the formation of the alliance. This shows the high importance of this action and the serious effects it would have.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty Signed

    Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty Signed
    This formed a coalition and linkage between Italy and Germany’s fascist regimes, informally. The picture portrays Mussolini and Hitler side by side, saluting fascism.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Was a conference held in Munich in which Britain, France, and Italy allowed Germany to annex areas of Czechoslovakia. It happened because Hitler threatened to unleash European war. The picture below shows British, French, Italian, and German leaders negotiating.
  • Italy invades Albania

    Italy invades Albania
    Mussolini felt that Hitler was upstaging Italy; therefore, he wanted to put Italy in the news and launched another invasion. He used Albania’s anti-fascist ideas as an excuse for his aggression. The photo below portrays Italian soldiers passing through Albania.
  • Italy enters WWII on side of Germany

    Italy enters WWII on side of Germany
    When the defeat of France became apparent, he declared war against France and Britain, expecting the collapse of British forces. He enters with relations to Germany and the Axis Powers. The photograph below shows Italian soldiers operating tanks in WWII.
  • Mussolini brought down by Coup during WWII

    Mussolini brought down by Coup during WWII
    After he declared war on Britain and France, it exposed Italy’s military weaknesses. After several defeats, Mussolini was overthrown by his own Grand Council/ Fascist colleagues. The photograph below is a portrait of Mussolini.
  • Mussolini killed

    Mussolini killed
    On April 28, 1945, Mussolini and his mistress were killed when fleeing to Switzerland. After being shot, their bodies were taken to Milan where they were hung upside down. This image shows the public hangings of them.