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  • Appointed Prime Minister

  • Celebratory walk for M rise to power (March on Rome)

  • First speech as Prime minister to the Chamber of Deputies

  • M was given Emergency Powers for 12 months

    in effect to restore law and order
  • M established the Grand Council of Fascism

    their job was to put proposals to government. M appointed the members.
  • Conversted the fascist fighting group into a national Militia

    -this decreased the power of the RAS because the militia owed loyalty to italian govt. (M)
    -M has now a private army
  • Got the support of Confindustria (employers organization)

    because M stopped the last government's investigation into tax evasion.
  • Got the support of the Pope

    - compulsory religious education in schools
    - all schools and colleges had to have a crucifix in every classroom
    - banned contraception
  • Purged Civil Service of his opponents

  • Intimidated trade unions which decreased the number of strikes

  • introduction of censorship

  • Replaced Socialist town councils

  • Acerbo Law introduced

  • Corfu

  • M got back Fiume

  • Aventine Seccession

  • M wins election

  • Matteotti murder

  • RAS put pressure on M, in a meeting, to act because of Matteotti's murder accusations

    this led to january 3rd
  • M took responsibility for Fascism & announced he would act within 48 hours to set up a dictatorship

  • Legge Fascistissime

    including: only the king could dismiss M
    : new secret police - Ovra
    : Mayors replaced by Fascist Podesta & got rid of all elected town councils
    : M given the right to rule by decree (he made 2000 from 1925 to 1926)
    : Decree on corporations
    : strengthened Press censorship
  • Locarno Pact

  • M was given the right to issue Decrees

  • Banned all non-fascist parties

  • Launch of programs directed at women

  • King lost power to appoint Prime Minister

  • M lost power

  • M shot