Mussolini and Fascist Italy

  • Formation of an Independent Italy

    Formation of an Independent Italy
    Following its achievement of independence from the Austrian Empire, Italy begins expanding its political ties and affairs, which inadvertently begins to open the eyes of Italian civlians to the growing issues surrounding internal Italian politics. The attached picture was chosen as it directly demonstrates the progression of Italian affairs in the years after Italy finally succeeded in acquiring its independence from Austria.
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    Ital comes into possession of Papal States. This essentially increased the percentages of Catholic individuals whom were filtered into the country, thus subsequently raising the influence of the Church. The image chosen
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)

    Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
    Italy is dealt an unfortunate blow upon its failure to enforce its influence on the Abyssinian regions of Tigre and Eritrea after enduring a massive loss during the Battle of Adowa in 1896. The image was selected as it offers a breakdown of Italian movements amidst the chaos which erupted during the Battle of Adowa
  • Italian Invasion and Takeover of Libya

    Italian Invasion and Takeover of Libya
    In September, Italy invaded Libya in an effort to further assert the influence of the growing Italian empire after the devastating happenings of the previously mentioned Battle of Adowa. The picture breaks down Italy's path when invading the area of Libya.
  • Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti

    Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
    Upon his release from prison due to stirring up war conflict, Mussolini is recruited as editor for the an Italian newspaper named Avanti. The photo chosen depicts the newspaper, and is significant a one can see how Mussolini was able to verbalize his thoughts and spread his ideas to the Italian public.
  • Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW I

    Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW I
    Due to his publicized opposition to the views of the Socialism instilled by members of the Italian government, Mussolini was removed from his position as editor of Avanti in November of 1914. This photo features the newspaper in which Mussolini expressed in evident rejection of Socialist principles, which is significant as these ideas ultimately led to his release.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    After much debate over whether it would be ideal for Italy to formally involve itself into the politics and conflicts of the first world war, the Treaty of London announces Italian entry on behalf of the Triple Entente.
  • Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
    In an attempt to align individuals following both the nationalist and socialist parties, members of different Italian parties joined together in Milan to format the movement which came to be known as Fascio di Combattimento. The image chosen represents the symbols of the movement established by the Italian Parties, which thus reveals the importance of this movement as the symbol helped to solidify the unity which sought to be achieved through its creation.
  • Beginning of Bennio Rosso

    Beginning of Bennio Rosso
    Throughout Italy, Industry workers from across the country come together in protest (in the form of trade unions, strikes, etc.) of the high rates of unemployment which many individuals of the working class were being subject to at the time. This picture is important as it depicts the highly volatile chaos which erupted during the initiation of Bennio Russo
  • D'Annuzio takes Flume

    D'Annuzio takes Flume
    In what many have considered an open challenge against Mussolini's authority and influence, Gabriele D'Annuzio led 2000 men to Fiume in September of 1919 in an open demonstration of opposition against the liberal policies of the government. The picture is significant as it offers an extremely accurate demonstration of the numbers of followers which D'Annuzio managed to acquire.
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
    In an effort to minimize the plans and authority of the members of the socialist party, Giolitti, in the Spring of 1921, convenes with Mussolini and gathers individuals in hopes of forming an electoral alliance to accomplish this socialist takedown. This is an image of Giolitti, who organized this alliance.
  • Mussolini forma the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader

    Mussolini forma the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
    Mussolini founds the Fascist Party and assumed his position as its leader. The creation of this party is merely on of the many ways through which Mussolini sought to assert his power.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    The king of Italy permitted Mussolini to ascend to power as the Italian Prime Minister, in October of 1922, when Mussolini promptly begins his infamous March on Rome. The image shown includes an excerpt from a newspaper which demonstrates the careful planning and though which was placed into this march on Mussolini's behalf.
  • Acerbo Law Passed

    Acerbo Law Passed
    The Acerbo law was passed in November of 1923, which promised the acclimation of 2/3 of the seats within the parliament to the party which retrieved the most votes during the elections. The image gives a breakdown of how the distribution of parliament seats would work for the party who won at least 25% of the votes.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    In an attempt for Mussolini to retaliate against recent murders of Italian individuals by individuals from Greece, and thus spark patriotic displays on behalf of the nationalists, Italy enters into conflict with Greece. The image offers a look into the areas affected by the crisis with Greece.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    Matteotti Crisis
    In the Summer of 1924, Giacomo Matteotti, an Italian socialist, is murdered by secret police after speaking out against Mussolini's ideas and openly challenging his authority. After this incident was quickly covered up by Mussolini, many to begin mistrusting him, causing his influence to be somewhat shaken for a time. The imag was chosen as it reflects how Mussolini moved to quickly try and cover up his involvement and role in the brutal murder of Matteotti.
  • Aventine Secession

    Aventine Secession
    Proceeding Matteoti's untimely death, many political officials begin withdrawing from the fascist party due to mistrust aimed towards Mussolini over the hasty cover up of Matteoti's murder. The image shown depicts the Aventine secession which broke out following the death of Matteotti.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    In seek of an autarchy to be established within Italy, Mussolini intervenes in farming proceedings in hopes of increasing grain output. However, this ultimately failed, as there was an overwhelming surplus in grain which took away from other necessary resources throughout Italy. The image which is attached was chosen as it perfectly demonstrates the events which took place during the Italian Battle for grain which took place in 1925
  • Locarno Treaty Signed

    Locarno Treaty Signed
    The Locarno Treaty is signed, sparking feelings of betrayal amongst Italy due to insufficient land received, despite the promises of the other nations within the Triple Entente. This picture depicts the many layers and promises established within the Treaty of Locarno, thus demonstrating the ultimate lack of loyalty felt on behalf of the Italians towards the Allies
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    In 1926, the commencement of the Battle for Land and for the Lira permitted farmers greater access to the land throughout Italy, which thus allowed for a through assessment of monetary circulation within the Lira. The image offers a breakdown of the battles of Mussolini and establishes connection between this particular battle with Mussolini's plans to expand his economic policies and thus consolidate and build his power and influence.
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    The Battle of births was a ploy on behalf of Mussolini to increase his influence by directly controlling the increasing birth rates. This 'battle' aimed to exploit the role of women throughout Italy and centered them to be mothers who would take care of the household while the men worked. The image shows how Mussolini's true intentions for women were seen through, as many of them were brought up to be mothers who would take care of the children within the country.
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty Signed

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty Signed
    This treaty, which was originally established and put into place on August 27th,1928, legally abolished war for 15 regions in an attempt to acquire peace. This image depicts an angel in order to show how the cover of this treaty was outlined around declarations of 'peace'
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    Mussolini begins working alongside the Pope in hopes of acquiring his support of his fascist ideas and policies. This treaty represented Mussolini's attempts to gain following of members of the church by appealing to their religious ideals within his practices and political implications. The photo breaks down the openings which occurred as a result of Mussolini's treaty with the pope.
  • Italian Involvement with Spanish Civil War

    Italian Involvement with Spanish Civil War
    After assuming his position as prime minister and beginning his hunt for ultimate power, Mussolini comes into contact with Spanish officials and complies with their cries for help during the Spanish Civil War. The image outlines the extent of Italy's involvement in the war, depicting the level of devotion which Mussolini sought to portray.
  • Absynnian Crisis

    Absynnian Crisis
    Through what came to be known as the the Absynnian Crisis of 1935, the members involved within the League of Nations placed various sanctions on the Italian empire, which is significant as this drove Mussolini to seek further rejuvenation through autarchy. The picture presents the area affected by the sanctions which were imposed by the League during this period.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    In an attempt to formally put the Locarno Treaty into effect, the countries of Britain, France and Italy establish this agreement, simultaneously affirming Austrian independence and the solidifying of the Versailles' Treaty. The picture outlines the regions involved in this alliance
  • Rome-berlin Axis Treaty signed

    Rome-berlin Axis Treaty signed
    The Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty formally established an agreement, and in many ways a direct alliance, with Germany. This treaty helped to develop a shaky alliance between the two countries during this time. The picture shows how this agreement essentially paved the way for a partnership between Mussolini and Hitler, and subsequently, connections to Nazi Germany
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    During this conference, the countries of Italy, Britain and France agreed to permit Germany the opportunity to annex portions of Czechoslovakia. This image depicts the hesitance of the Allies to allow Germany direct access to this land during this time.
  • Italy Invades Albania

    Italy Invades Albania
    During this period, Mussolini's militant forces, led by General Guzzoni, engaged on an exhibition to invade Albania. The image shows how Guzzoni desperately sought out success with this invasion by seeking numerous methods to prevent failure.
  • Italy enters WWII on side of Germany

    Italy enters WWII on side of Germany
    After being consistently patronized by Adolf Hitler, Mussolini embarks on a public declaration of war conflict against the nations for Britain and France on the side of the German nation. The image is important as it represents how Mussolini sought out war as a way to prevent the betrayal if the first world war and guarantee the fulfillment of promises to Italy through the Italo-German partnership.
  • Mussolini brought down by a coup during wwII

    Mussolini brought down by a coup during wwII
    A coup breaks out in opposition to Mussolini's policies on July 24th, 1943. This coup led Mussolini to be released from power during vote held within the Fascist Grand Council. This photo demonstrates how it was essentially Mussolini's crave for power and implementation of dictatorship essentially led to his downfall.
  • Mussolini Killed

    Mussolini Killed
    Mussolini is killed by a machine gun immediately following his hasty arrest by Italian forces. This image shows how Mussolini's tyrannical rule and policies inadvertently led to his murder and downfall.