Formation of an independent Italy
Also known as Risorgimento was a movement which begun in 1848 with many revolutions urging for an independent Italy. -
Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy:
Also known as State of the Church was taken over by 1861. 1870, most of he Papal Territory had been taken over by the Kingdom of Italy. -
Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
Occurred because of the Treaty of Wuchale. A war between Italy and Ethiopia occurring from 1885- 1896 in which the Ethiopians outnumbered the Italians as well as having better firearms and weapons. Furthermore, Italy’s defeat came after the Battle of Adwa. This would secure Ethiopia’s independence until 1936. -
Italy invades and takes over Libya
When Italian troops conquered Libya (a Turkish province). This would start the Italo-Turkish War and would result in the establishment of Italian Libya. -
Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
Mussolini worked at the newspaper Avanti (translated to Forward) in 1912, but after his support for World War 1 he was expelled from the position and officially resigned from the Socialist party. -
Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW I
He was expelled after he made his support for WW1 public and events regarding the "Red week" in October 1914 cutting ties with the Socialist Party. -
Treaty of London
A meeting between neutral Italy and the Allied forces of France, Britain, and Russia. It would result in Italy joining World War 1 (siding with the Allies.) In return, they would receive territory. Would end up joining in May. -
Beginning of Biennio Rosso
Translated to "Two Red Years," which saw extreme conflict in Italy after WW1 due to economic conflicts (caused by the war.) Resulted in violence from the Facist Blackshirts and the March on Rome in 1922. -
Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
Until 1919 called Fasci of Revolutionary Action was the movement created by Mussolini (facsim) which denounced Socialist Values and wanted full control over Italy. -
D’Annunzio takes Fiume
Gabriele D’Annunzio wanted to take the city of Fiume from Yugoslavia to give to Italy. His intention was to unite Italy creating, "Kingdom of Italy." He was seen as a national facist hero. -
Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
Giolitti was the prime minister of Italy until 1921 and was very liberal. He did not resist the Fascist movement or tried to stop their take over. -
Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
Mussolini created the political party in 1922 which opposed socialist values and favored heavy nationalism and territorial expansion. -
March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
An insurrection in which the Fascist party would seek to completely take control over Italy using military force. This resulted in the King granting Mussolini the role as prime minister the following day. -
Acerbo Law passed
"The party gaining the largest share of the votes – provided they had gained at least 25 percent of the votes – gained two-thirds of the seats in parliament." Would result in Mussolini taking control in the 1924 election. -
Corfu Incident
Incident between Italy and Greece which saw Italy control over the island of Corfu briefly after Italians were murdered on Greek soil. -
Corfu Incident
Military crisis between Greece and Italy. Caused by an Italian official being murdered on Greek soil. Mussolini proposed an ultimatum to Greece which was not followed all the way through. -
Matteotti Crisis
After Matteotti took a stand against the Fascist election (saying it was unfair.) He was murdered and many people though Mussolini had something to do with. Brought trouble for Mussolini and fascist party. -
Aventine Secession
Withdrawal from 150 deputies to show their lack of support for the Fascist party (esp the leader.) This was caused by the Matteotti incident. -
Locarno Treaty signed
Created borders and made Germany promise to never go to war with other countries (signed in London on Dec 1925). -
Battle of Births
Economic policy which encouraged women to stay home and give birth to more children so that the population of Italy would increase. Unsuccessful, 1/3 of work force was still women. -
Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
Economic policy created by Mussolini to encourage Italy's territorial expansion/ power. -
Battle For Grain
Economic policy which aimed to boost cereal production, reduce balance of trade, foreign imports, make Italy self sufficient. -
Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
An agreement which outlawed war (created to prevent another major world war after WW1.) Also called Pact of Paris. -
Lateran Treaty with Pope
Treaty between Italy and Holy See. Recognized Vatican City as an independent state and gave Roman church financial compensation for losses. Made relationship with Catholic church stronger. -
Abyssinian Crisis
Crisis between Italy and Ethiopia. League of Nations voted for Economic sanctions on Italy but they were never fully applied. -
Stresa Front
"Coalition of France, Britain, and Italy formed in April 1935 at Stresa, Italy." This was meant to oppose Hitler's actions which violated the Treaty of Versailles. -
Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
Italian military was involved in Spanish Civil War to support the nationalist cause. Italy contributed 660 planes, 150 tanks, 800 artillery pieces, 10,000 machine guns, and 240,000 rifles. -
Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
Coalition between Italy and Germany. Linked the two countries informally. -
The Munich Conference
An agreement permitting Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland was signed on Sept 29, 1938. -
Italy invades Albania
April 7-12 Italy would invade Albania because of Mussolini's imperialistic policies. Resulted in Albania being overrun and its king sent to exile. -
Mussolini brought down by coup during WW II
After a meeting with his own Grand Council Mussolini is voted out of power and arrested. The future of Italy was later discussed. -
Italy enters WW II on side of Germany
Because of Mussolini's previous loyalty to Hitler (and Nazi Germany) he entered war on Germany's side. -
Mussolini Killed
Executed in a small village of Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy. There was confusion and controversy over the cause and the events of his death. Shot by Walter Audisio, (Italian partisan).