Italian Combat Squad
Creation of it as an alternative to socialism. -
Biennial Rustle
Social period discord known as the Biennial Rustle. It was when Mussolini's paramilitary fascist black shirts publicly sparred with socialists and other groups. -
National Fascist Party
The Combat Squad became the national fascist part and Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Diputies. -
The march on Rome
The march on Rome resulted in the fascist part seizing power. -
40th Prime Minister of Italy
Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy and the youngest at that point. -
The start of a dictatorship
Mussolini made himself dictator and took the title of ill duche or the leader. -
Latter impact of 1929
The treaty where it was settled the long-standing dispute between Italy and the roman catholic church and created the independent state of Vatican City. -
The Ethiopian War
In the 1935s the Ethiopian war resulted in that country's seizure by the Italian Empire. -
Friendship with Franco and Hitler
Mussolini sent aid to the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War.
This pushed Mussolini closer to Nazi Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler. -
The anti-semitic manifesto of race
He adopted the anti-semitic manifesto of race.