106028706 benitomussolini1


  • Born

    Benito Mussolini was born in Predappio Italy.
  • Mussolini created a newspaper

    Mussolini created a newspaper
    After being ejected he aligned with revolutonary natonalist and produced the pro-war newspaper.
  • Rejoined the army

    Rejoined the army
    Mussolini rejoined the army and served in the war.
  • He created the Italian combat squad

    He created the Italian combat squad
    Mussolini created the Italian combat squad as an alternative to socialism.
  • Became the national fascit party

    Became the national fascit party
    Became the national fascit party and Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Deputies
  • Prime Minister

    Prime Minister
    In 1922 Mussolini became the 40th Prime MInister of Italy and the youngest.
  • Dictator

    Benito made himself a dictator and took the ttle of il duce.
  • Significant achievement

    Significant achievement
    The treaty seattled the long-stading dispute between Italy and the roman catholic church and created the independent state of Vatican City.
  • Mussolini helped Spain

    Mussolini helped Spain
    Mussolini sent military aid to spanish dictator (Francisco Franco), in the spanish Civil War.
  • Anti-sematic manifesto of race

    Anti-sematic manifesto of race
    Mussolini adopted the anti-sematic manifesto of race.