Before 1900
With the beginning of the era of Japanese Renaissance, known as the era of Meiji, started in 1868, only two countries in Asia enjoyed independence, namely the Ottoman Empire and Japan. The most important of these visits was the mission sent by Abdul Hamid II (reigned 1876-1909) to Japan on board
On the homeward journey, after the mission was successfully accomplished in Japan and meeting Japanese emperor -
Trip to Japan
Muhammad Ali, one of Sultan Abdul Hamid’s envoys, visited Japan in 1902 with the intention of building a Mosque in Yokohama, as some documents have revealed, but he was not successful.
Later this happened,so many foreigner people came to Japan to just tell about Islam to Japan.
In large cities such as Tokyo, many people have become Muslims. -
More popular
The Japanese became more interested in the Muslim world for expansionist, economic, and cultural reasons. The meaning of Holy Qur’an was translated into Japanese, Islamic societies were set up, and Islamic and Orientalist books were written. -
Foreign Muslim students from different Muslim countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia and the Arab world arrived in Japan in the late 50s and early 60s. And they established the first Muslim Student Association in Japan. -
oil shock(lack of oilproducing)
Islamic Center Japan was established during a critical period in Japanese history. It was an oil shock that lasted for several years since 1973. The Japanese began to be interested in Islam because the majority of oil-producing countries were Islam. The establishment of this center was the dream of all who have been engaged in Daawa activities for 100 years. -
Muslims currently living in Japan are said to have a population of 100,000 to 200,000. (Results vary depending on the survey) Although it is common in large metropolitan areas, Muslim students are also residing in each prefecture, mainly national universities.
Some Muslims come to Japan as corporate trainees.
The percentage of Muslim tourists visiting Japan is not so high, but it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of visitors.