
  • 476

    Divide of the roman empire.

  • Period: 500 to 1400


  • 690

    Gregorian chant.

  • 711

    The muslims conquer most of the part of spain

  • Period: 711 to 1492


  • Jan 1, 1000

    Guido'darezzo names the musical notes.

  • 1000


  • 1054

    Eastern schism.

  • Period: 1100 to 1200

    Ars antiqua.

  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Jan 1, 1400

    Born of the five-line stave and when people start to use it.

  • 1300

    Ars nova.

  • 1445

    Guttenberg creates printer

  • 1450

    Renaissance music.

  • 1492

    Discover of america and end of the middle age.

  • Period: 1492 to

    The modern period

    The modern perioid start with the discover of america or the fall of the byzantine empire
  • 1500

    Increase of the power of the kings

    The power of the kings increased thanks to the burglary and the reduction of the power od the nobility
  • Period: 1500 to

    The Baroque period

  • Period: 1524 to

    Giovani Pierluigi de Palestina

    He is a italian composer the most known of the roman sschool od musical composition
  • 1545

    The church iniciated big changes.

    The Catholic Church began profound reforms in the institution, known as the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
  • Period: 1582 to

    Use of the gregorian calendar

  • Period: to

    End of the renaissance and start of the the baroque

    The renaisance period ends and the baroque starts
  • Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespare pass away

    both die the same day
  • Carlos I is executed

    Carlosm I is executed after the english civil war
  • Isabel I dies

    Isabel I dies of smallpox
  • Born of the musical Baroque

    The crisis creates a new style of art called the baroque
  • Antonio Vivaldi primavera

    the first of the four seasons of Antonio Vivaldi
  • Johann Sebastian Bach dies

    Dies of an eye infection
  • Period: to

    The classical period

  • France adopt the gregorian calendar

  • Period: to

    Ludwig van Beethoven

    he was born in Viena in the month of december
  • The independency of the USA

    USA signs its independence from the United Kingdom.
  • the french revolution

  • the 7th symphony of Bethoven