Music Recording Technology

  • first device made for sound

    first device made for sound
    Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville created the phonautograph.
  • the second device used to record sound

    the second device used to record sound
    Charles Cross invents the Paleophone.
  • the third device used to record sound

    the third device used to record sound
    Thomas Edison perfects a cylinder based Phonograph that he invented the previous year.
  • the fourth device invented to record soound

    the fourth device invented to record soound
    Emile Berliner changes the game by inventing the gramophone.
  • the fifth device used to record sound

    the fifth device used to record sound
    First electrical recordings made by at the Bell labortories.
  • the sixth device was invented to record music

    the sixth device was invented to record music
    ritz Pfleumer develops magnetic tapes for sound recording.
  • the seventh device invented to record sound

    the seventh device invented to record sound
    Alan Blumlein develops streaos
  • the eighted device is invented too record sound

    the eighted device is invented too record sound
    Lacquer coated discs are introduced.
  • the ninth device invented for recording sound

    the ninth device invented for recording sound
    Phillips develops the cassette tape.
  • the tenth device to record music

    the tenth device to record music
    Apple invents mp3 players