
Music History

  • 455

    Rome saked by Vandals

    Rome saked by Vandals
  • Period: 590 to 604

    Development of the Gregorian Chant

  • 695

    Development of organum

    Development of organum
    Organum is an early form of counterpoint
  • Period: 751 to 768

    Pepin the Short

    Pepin the Short is the king of the Franks
  • Period: 768 to 814

    Charlemagne and his Empire

    (Charles the Great)
  • Period: 850 to 1000

    Carolingian Period

  • 903

    Creation of “square notation”

    Creation of “square notation”
    Pope Pius X proclaimed modern editions created by the monks of Solesmes as the official Vatican editions.
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    Medieval period

  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    Ars Antiqua

    (old art)
  • 1025

    Guido of Arezzo invented musical notation

    Guido of Arezzo invented musical notation
  • 1050

    Gregorian chant is superseded by polyphonic singing.

    Gregorian chant is superseded by polyphonic singing.
  • 1050

    The harp appears in Europe

    The harp appears in Europe
  • 1066

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Battle of Hastings depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry which we associate with feudalism
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard von Bingen

    Hildegard von Bingen- Abbess, scholar, visionary, poet, musician, healer, spiritual leader, who herself was a nun with reported mystical powers, began composing music different from the Notre Dame school.
    Von Bingen wrote music that sounded wildly different than plainchant, which some attributed to her lack of musical training. Her melodies, even today, seem contemporary.
  • 1125

    The First troubadours appear in France

    The First troubadours appear in France
  • 1136

    Construction begins on Notre Dame in Paris.

    Construction begins on Notre Dame in Paris.
  • 1150

    Gothic Architecture

    Gothic Architecture
  • 1150

    Bernart de Ventadorn

    Bernart de Ventadorn
    Bernard de Ventadorn- a professional trouvere,
    famous during his lifetime
    favorite singer of Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • 1163


  • 1200

    Do-it-yourself cymbals as a musical instrument

    Do-it-yourself cymbals as a musical instrument
  • 1200


  • Period: 1237 to 1286

    Adam de la Halle

    Adam de la Halle- the most famous troubadour ever.
    Wrote the first-ever musical theater piece Le Jeu de Robin et Marion. The inventor of the Motet. Motet - a piece of music where two or more different verses are fit together simultaneously, without regard to harmony
  • 1250

    Rhythmic notation

    Rhythmic notation
    Franco proposes a system of dots and stems that give relative durations to notes
  • 1250

    early motet

    early motet
    General Characteristics:
    3 voice,
    2 texts on similar topics,
    Texts in Latin or French or both,
    The tenor became a cantus firmus after ca. 1270,
    The term designates any pre-existing melody.
    More independence from chant required new rhythmic notation.
  • 1270

    The Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso the Wise

    420 poems with musical notation, written in the medieval Galician-Portugese language, though coming from the court of Castile
  • 1280

    Franconian Notation

    described by Franco of Cologne in his Ars cantus mensurabilis
  • Period: 1291 to 1361

    Philippe de Vitry

    Poet, composer, church canon, administrator. Important innovations in notating rhythm
  • Period: 1300 to 1450

    Ars nova

    Declared by composer Philippe de Vitry(1316),
    based on new techniques of notating rhythm which ALLOWED DUPLE SUBDIVISION OF THE BEAT,
    leading Ars Nova composer is Machaut
  • Period: 1300 to 1377

    Guillaume de Machaut

    A poet & a musician.
    Created the first Ordinary for the Catholic Mass.
    Created many of the musical forms of today (rondos and ballades). Master of counterpoint
  • 1325

    Beginning of using pedals at the organ.

    Beginning of using pedals at the organ.
  • 1325

    The Mass of Tournai.

    The first polyphonic mass appears.
  • Period: 1325 to 1397

    Francesco Landini

  • 1340

    The first published musical works

    Guillaume de Machaut, who was the first to publish musical works, becomes a canon of the Cathedral of Reims in France
  • Period: 1347 to 1352

    Black Death

    Plague rages in Europe; the population is shrinking
  • 1360

    The first clavichords and harpsichords appear

    The first clavichords and harpsichords appear
  • Period: 1378 to 1417

    Great Schism

  • 1431

    Joan of Arc executed by English

  • 1437

    John Dunstable uses counterpoint in a piece of music

    John Dunstable uses counterpoint in a piece of music
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
  • 1454

    Gutenberg invents the printing press.

    Gutenberg invents the printing press.
  • 1465

    The first printed pieces of music appear

    The first printed pieces of music appear
  • 1490

    Ballet appears at the courts of Italian rulers

  • 1492

    Columbus's first voyage to the New World

    Columbus's first voyage to the New World