Music History 1 Timeline

  • Period: 480 to 550

    Benedict’s writing of his Rule

    Book of precepts for monks in monasteries. It was a guide for Christians who lived in monasteries.
  • Period: 500 to 1200

    Stages in the development of notation up until 1200

    Music was firstly transmitted through oral tradition. Neumes were little syllables above the text that showed the contour of the melody (doesn't necessarily show exact notes or rhythm). Guido of Arezzo eventually introduced the Guindonian hand.
  • Period: 742 to 814

    Charlemagne and his Empire

    The King of Franks; ruled a large area of Western Europe. He expanded the Frankish state called the Carolingian Empire. He was seen as a public figure that devoted himself to God, and was responsible for the widespread of Christianity and development and flourishment of monasteries.
  • Period: 991 to 1033

    Guido of Arezzo

    Italian music theorist. Invented staff notation that ultimately replaced neumatic notation. Known for the Guidonian Hand, which allowed for musicians to label joints/specific parts of the hand to memorize syllables and intervals.
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard von Bingen

    One of the first well-known and documented women composer, writer, philosopher, and had many other specialties. She claimed her music was a gift from God.
  • Period: 1135 to 1194

    Bernart de Ventadorn

    Bernart de Ventadorn was a professional trouvere. He was famous during his life, and his songs were poems exchanged about courtly love.
  • Period: 1150 to 1200

    Leonin and Perotin

    Leonin: first named composer of polyphonic organum- worked at the Notre Dame school. He compiled the magnus liber organi.
    Perotin: Leonin's student. He edited the magnus liber organi.
  • Period: 1160 to 1250

    Flourishing of the Notre Dame school

    Group of composers working in or around the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. School of polyphony. Composer Leonin and his student Perotin compiled the Magnus Liber Organi, a book of organum. Part of a larger era called ars antiqua.
  • Period: 1160 to 1400

    The flourishing of the troubadours/trouveres

    Active in France (troubadours to the north and trouveres to the south). Music/lyric poets that catered to the noble. Sang about courtly love.
  • Period: 1170 to 1310

    Ars Antiqua

    Period before the Ars Nova. Period in which the Notre Dame school created polyphony.
  • 1198

    Perotin’s Viderunt omnes Gregorian chant written for the Mass for Christmas of 1198
  • Period: 1200 to 1300

    The early stages in the development of polyphony

    Gregorian chant developed into polyphony (music with two or more musical parts). Different kinds of organums were created.
    Parallel Organum: 2 voices sung in parallel motion (typically 4th or 5th)
    Free Organum: Added voice can cross using different intervals. The original chant is sung in the lower voice.
    Aquitanian Organum/Polyphony: two voices, the lower voice is the "tenor."
  • Period: 1221 to 1284

    The Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso the Wise

    420 musical monophonic poems written with musical notation by Alfonso the Wise. Discusses the Virgin Mary in each song/piece. There are four copies; copy E containing illuminations of musical instruments at the time.