Music History 1

  • Period: 582 BCE to 1431

    Medieval Period

    Boethius - Joan of Arc's death
  • Period: 991 to 1033

    Guido of Arezzo

  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard of Bingen

    Birth and Death dates
  • 1317

    Ars Nova Treatise

    Narrative poem, Roman de Fauvel, written to the King of France as a warning. Monophonic pieces such as Latin chants, secular songs but 34 of them are motets. Many with text denouncing the morals of clergy or referencing political events. Leading to Isorhythm (equal rhythm). Tenor is longer, rhytms more complex, whole line moves slowly in comparison to upper voices. isorhythmhelped composers and singers to grasp the music and commit it to memory
  • Period: 1415 to

    Renaissance Period

    English defeat French at Agincourt - Thomás Luis de Victoria's death
  • 1529

    Martin Luther Chorale Ein feste burg

    Ein feste burg ist unser Gott translates to: "A mighty fortress is our God"
    -became the anthem of the reformation.
  • 1538

    Arcadelt Madrigal (Il bianco e dolce cigno)

    Il bianco e dolce cigno, translates to: "The white and sweet swan"
    -The poet contrasts the swans literal death with his own figurative death (metaphor for climax/ the little death)
  • 1567

    Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass

    -published in 1567
    -Palestrina's style was the first in history of western music to have been consciously preserved, isolated and imitated as a model for sacred polyphony.
    -Captured the essence of the sober, conservative, elegant, expressive style of the counter-reformation.
    -Avoided chromaticism
  • Victoria Missa O magnum mysterium

    translates to "O Great Mystery"
  • Giovanni Gabrieli Sacrae Symphoniae

    -divided choirs
    -Sacrae Symphoniae translates to "Sacred Symphonies"
    -series of contrasting sections
    -double chorus motet for two groups of four instruments with organ accompaniment
  • Period: to


    Baroque summed up the delightfully flamboyant, theatrical, and expressive tendencies of seventeenth century to describe the music of the age.
  • Monteverdi's L’Orfeo

    Many passages from L'Orfeo parallel those from L'Euridice.
  • First Public Concerts in England

    First Public opera house opens in Venice
  • Period: to

    JS Bach

  • Antonio Vivaldi's L’Estro Armonico

    Nine collections of his concerto's were published in Amsterdam, L’Estro Armonico being one of them. Vivaldi was immensely popular, especially in North Europe.
    L’Estro Armonico means Harmonic Inspiration.
  • Rameau's Traité de l’harmonie

    Traité de l’harmonie was published right after Rameau settled in Paris. Traité de l’harmonie means Treatise on Harmony.
  • Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier volume 1

    The middle voice states the subject alone, beginning on the tonic, emphasizing the dominant and subdominant, returning to the tonic.
  • Period: to

    Franz Joseph Haydn

  • Handel's Messiah

  • Period: to

    Viennese Classical Period

  • Period: to

    WA Mozart

  • Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges as director of Concerts des Amateurs

    Symphony concerts were given by Concerts des Amateurs which became one of Europe's finest Orchestra's. Chevalier de Saint-Georges is a Violinist in the Orchestra, the Composer and a swordsman.
  • Mozart's Don Giovanni

  • Haydn's Symphony No. 94 "Surprise"