
Music History

By aparasa
  • Period: 476 to 1411

    Medieval Period

    The Medieval Period lasted roughly 1,000 years.
  • Period: 991 to 1033

    Guido of Arezzo's formulation of the Solmization System

    ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la - set of syllables used to help singers with semitones and whole tone steps in music. (pg 43)
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard of Bingen

    She joined the convent in 1136. She wrote a lot of poems. (pg 41)
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance Period

  • 1320

    Ars Nova Treatise

    Philippe de Vitry was the composer of this piece and it is known for its rhythmic notation. This was one of the first to notate rhythm. (pg 68)
  • 1529

    Martin Luther Chorale "Ein feste burg" (A Mighty Fortress)

    (pg 155)
  • 1538

    Arcadelt Madrigal "Il bianco e dolce cigno"

    (pg. 129)
  • 1567

    Palestrina "Pope Marcellus" Mass

    This was published in the second book of masses. It was a legend because the music was written "in a new manner." Written more for the audience and those listening to the words. (pg. 160)
  • 1580

    Victoria "Missa O magnum mysterium"

    (pg 164)
  • Period: to

    Baroque Period

    (pg. 169)
  • Monteverdi's L’Orfeo

    Baroque Opera by Claudio Monteverdi (pg. 192-194)
  • First Public Concerts in England

    The English saw that there were musicians who did not have well-enough paying jobs and a middle class that was eager to hear music. The concerts were created to solve both problems. (pg. 256)
  • Period: to

    JS Bach

    (pg. 273-274)
  • Antonio Vivaldi's L’Estro Armonico

    Armonico's significance is each one of his works had a fancy title that attracted buyers. (pg. 267)
  • Rameau's Traité de l’harmonie

    Rameau was a composer but also a music theorist who wrote his methods in this book. It is probably one of the most influential works written about theory and it later became a basis for teaching harmony. (pg. 273)
  • Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1

    This book was created by Bach, of preludes, fugues, and scales. Book one was more organized in style and purpose. He also created a second book. These books aim to help musicians learn their instruments better through different techniques and studies. These are the first of their kind. (pg. 278)
  • Period: to

    Franz Joseph Haydn

    (pg. 339)
  • Handel's Messiah

    This piece reveals a series of trials that Christians face when it comes to the idea of redemption. It mainly uses text from the Old Testament prophecies and some parts of the gospel. This piece is well known because Handel mixed parts of the French, German, Italian, and English styles. (pg. 296)
  • Period: to

    WA Mozart

    (pg. 353)
  • Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges as director of Concerts des Amateurs

    An orchestra based in Paris that later became one of Europe’s finest orchestras. This was at the time of Beethoven’s birth. (pg. 336)
  • Period: to

    Viennese Classical Period

    This was the time when Vienna became well-known for its music.
  • Mozart's Don Giovanni

    This is an opera written by Mozart about a character named Don Giovanni. (pg. 366)
  • Haydn's Symphony No. 94 "Surprise"

    March 23, 1792