Music Electronic Timeline

  • The Phonoautograph

    Late 19th and early 20th the first device to capture sound, with the moog synthesizer it was the beginning of electronic music
  • the appearance of Kraftwerk and Jean-Michel Jarre

    In the 70, electronic music is gaining prominence, the appearance of Kraftwerk and Jean-Michel Jarre to increase the popularity of electronic music.
  • New artists join the genre

    The recognition of this type of music was growing more and more, thanks to people like David Bowie or the Pink Floyd group they were important.
  • The synthesizer is the protagonist of the eighties

    the synthesizer is created
  • Birth of subgenres

    In this same decade, the birth of electronic sub-genres such as house, techno or electro is dated.
  • Synth pop living its golden years

    And on the other hand was synthpop living its golden years. In this time frame there are bands that have been highly influential in the history of music such as Pet Shop Boys or Depeche Mode among many others.
  • Many artists already recognize this genre

    In this decade many artists have already experimented with this genre, so much so that they created different subgenres such as hardstyle or trance.
  • Currently

    As the years go by, every time he surprises with new sounds and since electronics is a young genre, he still has much to surprise.