Music Ed. Timeline

  • 500 BCE

    Educational System in Athens

    Teles, Platos, Aristotle, and Boethius develop and educational system revolving around art, music, and culture in Athens
  • 1000

    Written Notation

    Odo and Guido d'Arezzo develop written notation for music with the invention of the staff. Notation then became a major area of study in the cathedral and court schools.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses to begin the Protestant Reformation. He advocated for the teaching of singing and instrumental music.
  • music education in German schools

    Schools in Germany began to implement music education into their curriculum for all grade levels, but this was only for boys at the time
  • The Bay Psalm Book

    The Bay Psalm Book was the first book in the new world containing music. It contained thirteen tunes for treble and bass clef. Notation was untraditional with diamond notes and no bar lines.
  • Singing Schools

    Reverend Thomas Symmes establishes singing school first in Boston.
  • Pestalozzian Education

    The Pestalozzian education reform movement began which focused on morality and citizenship.
  • Boston Academy of Music

    Lowell Mason and George Webb form the Boston Academy of music to apply Pestalozzian principals in teaching music to children.
  • Instrumental Music in Public schools

    Instrumental Music in public schools begins in the middle of the 19th century when touring bands and orchestras were introduced to the general public
  • Normal Music Course

    John W. Tufts and H.E. Holt write the Normal Music Course to alleviate concerns that music education has become more about entertainment than entertainment.
  • Marching Bands

    Marching Bands begin to appear in school around the turn of the 20th century.
  • MSNC

    Philip Hayden develops the Music Supervisors National Conference. Later MENC, and later NAFME.
  • Orff

    The Orff approach begins to make its way into the schools.
  • Kodaly

    Kodaly begins transforming the music education system in Hungary

    American School Band Directors Association formed by Dale C. Harris
  • ACDA

    American Choral Directors Association formed
  • Julliard Repertory Project

    Vittorio Giannini helps develop a body of meaningful music to add to the repertory available for children K-6
  • federal financial support

    National Endowment for the arts gives financial support as well as exposure to music education.
  • National Standards for Music Education

    National Standards for Music Education created by MENC
  • National Anthem Project

    National Anthem Project sponsored by MENC gives great exposure to the organization as well as music education as a whole.