Musa Mansa

  • Oct 1, 1280

    Musa Mansa Birth

    Musa Mansa was born in the Mali empire on the year
  • Oct 17, 1312

    Musa Mansa Becomes Emperor

    in 1312 Musa Mansa became due to the death of
    the previous emperor Abu-Bakr The Second
  • Oct 1, 1324

    Mansa Musa's pilgrimage

    In the year 1324-1325 Mansa Musa began his pilgrimage to mecca. When he returned he brought back many thing that improved the Empire
  • Oct 1, 1337

    Musa Mansa's Death

    After a Twenty-five year reign Mansa Musa died 1337. He was succeeded by his son Maghan the first
  • Oct 1, 1339

    The Mali Empire on the Map

    After Mansa Musa's death his previous work brought Attention to the Empire. The first was the maps the were made by Italian,German,and Spanish cartographers in 1339