History of Multicultural Education

  • Boston Latin School

    Boston Latin School
    Boston Latin School is the first ever school to be created in the history of the United States. The school is also known for being the first school to add American History into their curriculum and have a magazine. Also, in the beginning they were instructed only to take students from social classes that would fit leadership roles but over the years they have moved away from those views.
  • Emile, ou l'education

    Emile, ou l'education
    The Emile, ou l'education was written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who is a world known philosopher and more. The book explained his own personal views on education and how the educational system needs to start lifting student to do better instead of taring them down.
  • The African Institute (but now known as Cheyney University)

    The African Institute (but now known as Cheyney University)
    This was the first ever African Institute in the United States. Now know as Cheyney University, in their early years this institution offered only basic education for African Americans with no other educational background. In its present state Cheyney University is now known for being one of the biggest HBCUs in the country.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
    The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed to protects the right of individuals with disabilities in many areas of public life including education. The ADA offers people with disabilities the opportunity that everyone else has who doesn't have a disability and provide any necessary adjustments.
  • Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)

    Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)
    This act was meant to increase funding into public schools for bilingual and immigrant students, which would help them in may ways to stay in school.
  • No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
    The NCLB provides all students with test that measure their abilities in different subjects of education. If a students doesn't seem to be meeting the test score requirements the schools are accountable for doing everything in the power to help them. Which helps keeps everything fair and equal for every student.
  • Higher Education Act

    Higher Education Act
    The Higher Education Act started in 1968 but has been reauthorized &/or changed quiet a few times over the history of the United States. This act helps low and middle income students gain funds that help them pay for their education. The Higher Education Act has given opportunities to minority students which typically fall in between those incomes.
  • Demographic Millstone in Public Schools

    Demographic Millstone in Public Schools
    In the fall semester, student minorities outnumber non-Hispanic Caucasians students in public schools with a 50.3%. This is the first time in American history that minority students out number the majority from k-12 and are still projected to grow.
  • Transgender Students Allowed Access to Restroom

    Transgender Students Allowed Access to Restroom
    While Obama was in office he announced that public schools should allow transgender students to use the correct restroom that matches their gender. Allowing them to use the correct restroom pushed trans culture in public schools by expecting people as they are and letting them live their lives. However, this announcement was later over turned.
  • Teachers go on Strike

    Teachers go on Strike
    Teachers in Los Angeles went on strike to appose classroom environments, pay, overcrowding in classes, and not enough supplies. About 32,000 teachers went on strike and it left the district with almost 600,000 students unsupervised for that one day. The march allowed the teachers issues to be heard and token into consideration because of the students well being.