Prophet muhammad

Muhammed's Sad Life

  • 570


    Born in 570 AD in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  • Nov 21, 610

    The Mountain

    The Mountain
    Begins his prophethood at age 40, when the Angel Gabriel appeared to him.
  • Nov 23, 613

    Begins teaching

    Begins teaching
    Begins spreading message of Islam publicly to all Meccans
  • Nov 24, 613

    "Year "of Sorrows

    "Year "of Sorrows
    Khadija (his wife) and Abu Talib (his uncle) die
  • Nov 13, 632

    He dead

    He dead
    So sad. His life was a lie
  • Marries

    Meets nad marries his wife, Khadija.
  • First Daughter Born

    First Daughter Born
    Named Zainab
  • Work

    Takes trading journeys to Syria