Mt.St. Helens timeline

  • March 27,1980

    Mt. St. Helens has been dormant for 123 years
    Campers and workers were on mountain
    People heard what was thought a small explosion
    had small eruption of ash and steam
  • 12:30

    People hear a small explosion
    Think nothing of it because there was road building and other activities near there.
    Was actually a small eruption of the mt.
  • March 28, 1980

    10:30 am
    People kept working
    Got someone to fly a plane of Mt. St. Helens
  • 2:00 pm

    Closed off the top of the mountain
    People evacuated
  • April 3, 1980

    10:15 am
    Trimers started
    When tourist are prompted to leave they get closer and more come.
  • April 13, 1980

    10:50 am
    A lot more people come because of the good weather
    18 small burst of steam throughout the day
  • April 24, 1980

    Scientist discover a bulge on the side of the mountain
  • April 30,1980

    Bulge gets larger everyday
    Created a red zone/ safety perimeter around the summit, 3-8 miles around summit
  • May 1, 1980

    No excitement with summit since it has been months since something has happened.
    Cold water one and two
  • May 11, 1980

    5:00 pm
    Ground began to trimble
  • May 17, 1980

    8:00 am
    People are convinced the eruption has pasted
    People started coming back to visit their homes
    Lots of campers were on the mountain
  • May 18, 1980

    7:15 am
    Another flight over summit
  • 8:00 am

    Still had illegal climbers
    People still in red zone
    volcano hazard specialist come to mountain
  • 10:10 am

    Ash wasn't hot anymore put still was hard to see
    People had to clean off roof before it collapsed
  • 8:30 am

    People in air plane went over one last time to get pictures
    A earth quake started , 5.1
    Started the chain event that lead to the big eruption
    Steam and ash came from the north side of the plane
    Radio told the people that it erupted
  • 8:33 am

    2 more big groups of steam head up
    People in plane were fine
    Caused storm / Lightening
    Ash burnt the man alive that was trying to out drive it
    Wind blew down bunches of trees
  • 8:34

    Pyroclastic flow started
  • 8:55 am

    Lahara started
    People get stuck in it
  • 12:10 pm

    Police have called for a helicopter evacuation
    Burning gas rushes down Mt. St. Helens at 80 mph
    Helicopters looked for stranded people
    Summit still erupting
  • 2:00 pm

    Ash so think you can hardly see the ground
    People get treated with 2nd and 3rd degree burns from hot ash
    Peoples wounds are filled with ash
  • 5:30 pm

    Eruption starts to subside after 9 hours
  • May 19, 1980

    Continued search rescue
    Dad, Mom,and 2 kids are rescued after being on the mountain 26 hours
  • May 25, 1980

    Mountain erupted again
    compared to May 18 eruption, it is a minor event
    57 deaths
  • 20 years later

    People made a boundary around the mountain with the names of people that lost their lives to honor them.