Mt St. Helens

  • 6:02am

    There was a small eruption from a crater on the mountain.
  • 5:30pm

    Scientists watch the mountain and set up posts to track the activity.
  • 10:30am

    Tourists come from all over to see the mountain and explore.
  • 2:30pm

    Tourists and scientists come to see the bulge and study it.
  • 5:10pm

    The bulge expands on the mountain and scientists begin to grow fear.
  • 6:45pm

    Scientists set up an new observation post closer to the mountain. and evacuate people from their homes.
  • 10:30am

    Earthquakes start to happen frequently.
  • 5:30pm

    Earthquakes become more common and the bulge continues to grow.
  • 8:00am

    The bulge continues to grow and people are allowed to return home to check out their property. Many people went home and stayed home.
  • 3:00pm

    Scientists watch the volcano and more earthquakes happen.
  • 5:30am

    People come to hike and explore the mountain. They disobey the advice to evacuate.
  • 8:32am

    Earthquakes are happening and the mountain shakes. The volcano rips open on the North face of the mountain. The watchmen get exploded. Ash and rocks cover the area for about 230 miles.
  • 9:45am

    Many people get swallowed by the ash and rocks but their are some survivors. Rescue teams are sent out to search.
  • 12:00pm

    Rivers flood and many things get covered in ash and rocks.
  • 5:55am

    Rescue squads go out and search for survivors. Many people are still out there waiting to be rescued.