MSCM 430 Bouchard

By aboucha
  • U.S. wins the American Revolution

  • Louisiana Purchase

    A mass of land purchased from France. Currently the land made up of 15 U.S. states.
  • Maxwell

    Maxwell theorizes the existence of electromagnetic waves
  • Assination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assination of Abraham Lincoln
    More on the assasination Beloved president murdered by John WIlkes Booth at a production of "Our American Cousin" at Ford Theater in Washington D.C.
  • Invention of typewriter

    Many versions of the typerwriter were creaed before a workable model came out. The concept was developed by Gutenberg. However, a Wisconsin printer-politican-publisher, Christopher Latham Sholes, patented the first workable typewriter. In 1874, the Remmington Model 1 became the first commerical typewrite to hit the market.
  • Light

    Edison invents electric lights
  • Invention of telephone

    Bell invents the telephone
  • Marconi transmitts and recieves signal

    Morse code is sent accross the Atlantic
  • Marconi

    Bristich Marconi estabished
  • U.S. Marconi

    American Marconi estabished
  • Fessenden

    Fessendens first radio broadcast to Theissen
  • Doc Herrald

    Charles "Dc" Herrald broadcast live from Santa Clara, CA
  • Wireless Ship Act

    Requires ocean-going U.S. passenger ships to have wireless connection
  • Titanic Sinks

    Radio act of 1912, permit U.S. government to licsence all uses of radio and all radio operators, mandates continus monitoring.
  • U.S. enters World War 1

    Government nationalizes all radio communication and patents
  • RCA

    Radio Corporation of America estabished, Marconi liquidated under government authority
  • Radio Advertising

    AT&T invents radio advertising by leasing time on its New York station WEAF.
  • 3 Mill.

    3 million recievers are in homes in U.S.
  • NBC

    Sarnoff establishes NBC
  • Zenith

    Zenith Corporation successfully challenges government liscensing of radio.
  • Radio Act of 1927

  • FM Radio

    First FM radio station established
  • D Day

    Allied forces invade western Europe
  • United Nations is born

  • Radio looses popularity

    Radio begins to lose popularity to television. ABC, NBC and CBS begin to put popular radio programs on television.
  • U.S. involvement in Vietnam

    U.S. involvment in the Vietnam War escalates when troop numbers triple.
  • Watergate

    Break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at Watergate Hotel. Washingtn Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein bring light to the scandal.
  • Murrow Broadcast

    Murrow broadcasts Hitler's entrance into Vienna
  • Death of Osama Bin Laden

  • Linfield College Graduation
