Ms cannons class 3rd

By whyyyyy
  • History of film Horse gallop 1872

    History of film Horse gallop 1872
    Film started when a guy made a bet of 25,000 that when horses gallop their hooves don't touch the ground for a brief moment. They set up cameras to take pictures of the horse while it galloped. They found out that indeed a horse does but they also found something else out. He won the bet and they found out that it look liked the horse was moving in the pictures.
  • Kinetoscope Parlor 1895

    Kinetoscope Parlor 1895
    they created illusions of motion to make a short film but only one person could look at it at a time. they would look through a peephole to see the drawings in a rapid sequence that creates illusion. These devices amazed everyone when they tried it.
  • Lumiere Brothers projector 1895

    Lumiere Brothers projector 1895
    It was found that the Lumiere brothers were the first to make the projector but they called it cinematograph. They did what Edison should of done and made it to were multiple people could watch there short films. They made more than 40 films a year which would count as a lot back then since they were short films and don't have the technology we have. A fun fact is that their films were mostly everyday French lives.
  • Edison's projector 1896

    Edison's projector 1896
    Edison was the inventor of the lightbulb and made a few kinetoscopes. Edison like the idea of the kinetoscope and wanted to make a bigger version. It was successful but he was greedy for money and thought he would make more if only one person could watch at a time. He made a decent amount from this invention but not as much as he would of if he made it to were multiple people could.
  • Nickelodeon 1900

    Nickelodeon 1900
    Nickelodeon started off as a place named vaudeville and they were know for there magicians, jugglers and etc. shows. Later on they started add short films to there shows and that's how they started nickelodeon. The reason they had added short films was to fill in time between acts and one up there competition.
  • Train robbery 1903

    Train robbery 1903
    a employee of Edison had created the first U.S. narrative film named The Great Train Robbery. There were 14 scenes and it was 12 mins long which was really good back then. The film was a robbery of 2.6 million from a royal mail train.
  • MPPC 1908

    MPPC 1908
    Edison decided form a trust with several companies called Motion pictures patents company. Their plan was to control production of raw films, projection equipment, and film distribution. Independent companies tried to compete with them but there was a risk of getting raided for attempting to make films.
  • Nickelodeon's Rise 1910

    Nickelodeon's Rise 1910
    They were starting to have 26 million people a week and that number had doubled five years later. People saw how well they were doing and started to make big profits. The theatre was located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
  • MPPC losing? 1918

    MPPC losing? 1918
    MPPC didn't list name of actors since they thought they would become famous and want more money. Independent studios in the west coast saw that if they listed there actors people would come watch to see them. The west coast studios had a advantage over the MPPC.
  • Famous Actors 1919

    Famous Actors 1919
    Their were two actors that started to get famous. Mary Pickford was known for the film America's sweetheart. Charlie Chaplin was known for being a comic genius.
  • Charlie Chapin 1919

    Charlie Chapin 1919
    Was know as the 20th century superstar. He made 150$ a week and by 1917 he was making more than a million a year. he was a comic genius and shared messages of good and evil in his films.
  • where most film was 1922

    where most film was 1922
    Films were originality produced at the west coast of the united states but it start change. They were shot outside and needed a bunch of light for the slow speed of it. The weather in the west coast was usually rainy so it was hard to film outside. The west coast was far from the MPPA but if they needed to retreat they could hasty.