Mrs.Browns history class by:Zech McMaster

  • First Contenental Congress

    The First Contenental Congress met in Philidelphia where twelve of the thirteen colonies sent representitives. they then discussed how they are to react within Great Britain. some believed to show a combined autority to Great Britian and others did not follow suit.
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    King George III

    King George III was the king of Britain during the American revolution. many believed him unsuited for the job he had at hand and was unable to prevent the conquest of America. Although King George III won the war against France, lost his power over America.
    (timeline of King George III during the Revolutionary war)
  • Lexigton and Concord

    British soldiers known as "the regulars" came to America to capture Colonial leaders Sam Adams and John Hancock but the Americans caught wind of the plan and faught back in the battle of Lexington and Concord
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress came together to talk about how they were to fight back with Great Britian being so much more powerful. Many men did not want to be independant from Great Britain but King George III declared the colonies to be in a state of Rebellion
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    in the Charlestown Peninsula British and Americans went to battle in the Battle of Bunker Hill. America considered this a huge lose losing to Britain in this battle but now is looked at as being a heroic stand against the forces of opression
  • General Cornwallis

    General Cornwallis was a respectable commander in chief and planned on a smooth taking of the colonies. He made a secure plan of moping up the southern colonies then moving north to take out Washingtons army. When trouble started in the southern colonies he eventually was pushed to surrender and left America with a loss
  • Battle of Trenton

    General George Washington was victorious over the British and Hessians in the Battle of Trenton. The battle was between Washington and Comander, Colonel Rahl, where Rahl was defeated and died in battle
  • Battle of Princeton

    General George Washington battles Major General Lord Cronwallis. Washington won this battle by outmanuvering Cronwallis. This was a big step in Washington proving him to be a valuable leader
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Major General Horatio Gates and Brigadier Benedict Arnold forced a surrender of the British in the Battle of Saratoga. The plan of coming through Canada was not worth it as Britain was ultimately defated
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    Valley Forge

    General George Washinton faught a battle with the conditions of the winter with his men. one of every three soldiers had shoes and food and water were scarce, luckly the morales were lifted with military efficiency, regimental camp followers, and women who helped take care of the soldiers. this fight was not with the British, but with nature
  • Battle of Savannah

    British commander in cheif major general sir henry clinton for the british army believed loyalist support was strong and began to move the conflict south and took the savannah. linclon for the colonists put an assault at Spring Hill where he believed were loyal militia
  • Battle of Charelston

    the Battle of Charleston was a huge loss for the Southern Colonies because they were not prepared for what the British had for them. Lincoln after fighting led his group of soldiers out of the city.
  • Battle for Charleston

    The battle for Charleston ended with a surrender of Lincoln. British Commander Clinton From april 1st to May 12th British had this battle won and Licoln fought hard not to surrender
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Americans and the French joined forces to battle Britain in the Battle of Yorktown. Less then a month of Battle Washington and the french worked together to defeat Cornwallis
  • George Washington

    George Washington as the commander in cheif of the continental army won many battles with his unique battle tactics and eventually became the president of the United States of America