Mrs. Williams' Life

  • Parents get married

    Sandy Thorn and Mike Lees are married in Germany where they met in the Airforce
  • Mrs. Williams is Born!

    Born in Germany on an Air Force Base! We lived there for 6 months before moving to the U.S.
  • Dad died

    Mike Lees died when Mrs. Williams was four in a car accident.
  • Graduating Highschool

    Mrs. Williams graduated from Green High School in 1994. Go Bulldogs!
  • Gets Married!

    Mrs. Williams gets married to Jim Williams! (She didn't even like him when they first met...thought he was annoying)
  • Graduates College

    Graduated from Kent State
  • Start teaching at Ravenna

    Brown Middle School was Mrs. Williams' first teaching position (8th grade science) before coming to Willyard for 3rd-4th grade 8 years later.
  • Dylan is born

    first son is born!!
  • Braeden is born

    2nd son is born!