Mr Hams class

  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    The invasion was when Manchuria was invaded by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan immediately following the Mukden incident. THe Japanese established a puppet state called Manchuko
  • Hitler made Chancellar of Germany

    Hindenburg appointed Hitler as leader of a government after sighners urged Hindenburg to do so.
  • The Anschluss

    The Anschuluss, also known as the Anschluss Osterrreichs, was the occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    A program against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria.
  • Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland was an invasion of Poland by Germany, the soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of WWII in Europe.
  • Dunkirk

    A crisis in which a desperate effort is the only alternative to defeat; "THe Russians had to pull off a Dunkirk to get out of there."
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    A United States naval base that was attacked by the Japanese.
  • Battaan Death March

    The Bataan Death March was the forcible transfer by the imperial Japanese Army of 60000-80000 Filipino and American prisoners of war after the three month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during WWII
  • Battle of Midway

    A naval battle of WWII where American planes based on land and one carriers decisvely defeated a Japanese fleet on its way to invade the Midway Islands
  • D-Day

    Allied forces invaded northern France by ma=eans of beach landings Normandy.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Ardennes Bulge was a battle during WWII. Von Rundstedt launched a powerful counteroffensive in the forest at Ardennes and caught the Allies by surprize.
  • Yalta Conference

    A conference held Yalta where Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill planned the final stages of WWII and agreed to the territorial division of Europe.
  • V E Day

    The Allied victory in Euope which the Germans surrendered
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    THe atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and nagasaki in Japan were conducted by the US during the final stages of WWII.
  • V J Day

    Japan ceased fighting in WWII or on September 2nd when Japan formally surrendered