The First Movie (Technically)
It was called the Roundhay Garden Scene. This was a short film that showed a man riding a horse. The film only lasted 2.11 seconds, it was , made because of a bet between rich people that a horse always has at least one hoof on the ground when running full speed. So they took a series of pictures and put them together in quick motion to form a short film. -
Thomas Edison Makes Kinetograph
The kinetogragh was like the first projector, you looked through a small peep hole and would watch the movie or film. They were usually short films and a major disadvantage was that only one person could watch at a time. -
The First Animation
The first animation movie was created by Emile Cohl. It was about a minute long and was called Fantasmagorie. It was a very random film that involved what looked like stickmen on a chalkboard. -
Walt Disney's First Cartoon
This is when Walt Disney creates his first cartoon Alice's Wonderland. It was a film about a young girl who plays around with cartoons that come to life. It has almost the same name but don't confuse it with the original movie that was made in 1951. -
The First Full Disney Movie
Snow White is a particularly famous movie, maybe because it as the first full movie that was hand drawn. Also because it was the first Disney full hour long movie he had made, it also started off a whole line of movies soon after. -
Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho
This was one of the first horror films in history, making for many more afterwards. Also for that year was the most successful film. It is one of the most memorable thrillers of all time. -
The Star-Wars Saga
This was one of the greatest movies of all time. It was immediately ahead of its time and used extremely realistic graphics for it's time.It was one of the greatest block busters of all time. -
Some Of The First Lady Directors
They started making movies in the 1980's with thew films Look Who's Talking and The Piano. They were also Women Producers too. -
Jurassic Park
This Block buster by Steven Spielberg was an all-time classic with many awards. This movie is completely famous with many sequels. None were as good as the original. -
The First Animated Film
Toy Story is an extremely famous movie, especially since it was the first animated film of all time. It was something never done before and is a big thing today. -
Star Wars Prequel
This was a brand new movie in the series everyone was hyped about. It was the first Star Wars movie that used computer graphics and would follow the story of Anakin, later becoming Darth Vader. -
The First 3-D Releas
During 2005 to now, we have been able to view movies in 3-D and making things pop out at you. That was the year it was developed and has been popular ever since.