Film History

  • Racing horse

    Eadweard Muybridge made a bet with friend that a horse has all of its legs off the ground. They lined up a lot of cameras and took them as the horsed passed. Eadweard had won the bet but him and his friend realized by flipping through the photos it made it look like the horse is moving
  • Roundhay Garden Scene

    This scene was believed to be the first film ever made by using a motion picture camera. Louis Le Prince is the one who created it. Louis Le Prince's son had said that it was at Oakwood Grange.
  • The Astronomer's Dream

    Georges Méliès was the one that created The Astronomer's Dream. Georges Méliès was the director, producer ,and the cast. The astronomer dream uses a moon like a puppet
  • First carton ever

    Émile Cohl and John Stuart Blackton are supposedly the first ones to make the first cartoon ever.They made it by laying down foundations and by drawing something easy like a stick figure.