Movement: Timeline

  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    Lasted for 20 years restoring many colonists' Christian religious faith and challenged the authority of established churches.
    This is a social movement.
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  • Period: to


  • Abolition

    William Lloyd Garrison, editor of an antislavery paper, established his own paper, The Liberator, to deliver uncompromising demand and immediate emancipation.
    This is an example of a Civil Rights Movememt.
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  • Market Revolution

    Market Revolution
    Samuel Morse creates the telegraph, the first instant electronic communicator. The telegraph was used in many businesses to transmit orders and relay information on prices and sales.
    This is a labor movement
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  • Suffrage

    Seneca Falls convention was held. They approved all parts of the declaration, but wanted equal rights for woman including the right to vote.
    This is a Woman's Rights movement.
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  • Urbanization

    As mass amount of immigrants poured into the United States cities in the late 19th century because it was cheapest and very convenient place to live. Cities offered unskilled laborers steady jobs in mills and factories.
    This can be considered both a labor and immigration movement.
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  • Imperialism

    American imperialism was an act of aggressive extension of authority and way to extend rules over foreign countries. The Spanish-American War is an example of such things. Cubans revolted over the Spanish colonial government as Cuba suffered under the oppression of Spanish rule.
    This is a political movement
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    Is the National Association for the Advancement of Color People, it was established by DU Bois in 1909 and entered into the front of early U.S. civil rights movement.
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  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    More than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to cities across the Northeast, Midwest, and West. This resulted in a major demographic shift, raising the population by 40 percent, and increasing the number of African-Americans employed.
    This an immigration movement.
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  • Woman's Rights

    Woman's Rights
    Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment, granting woman the right to vote.
    This is a woman's right movement
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  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Harvard-educated former Rhodes scholar, Alain Locke, published "The New Negro," a landmark collection of literary works by young African- American writers. These shaped black American artist and academics on how they view themselves. The “New Negro” was to break away from the “Old Negro,” as a way to discover ones individual voice.
    This is a Social Movement.
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