Types of motor control schematics pictorial diagram

Motor Controls Timeline

  • Push buttons

    What: learned about N/O and N/C contacts
    Why: to be able to use push buttons In further projects
  • Gage W day 1

  • Production day

    where: we went to a house and a small store
    why: we went to the store and house to get a list of equipment we would need to work on.
  • ice cube relays

    what: we learned how to wire ice cube relays
    Where: we wired ice cube relays at our desks
  • Start and stop buttons

    What: We wired start and stop buttons to control a light through a relay
    where: we wired these projects at our desks.
  • electrical interlock

    What: we wired an electrical interlock to be able to only have one relay active at a time.
    When: we worked on these projects for the period before and after lunch.
  • Painting project boards and motor starters

    what: I painted project boards and wired a motor starter
    Where: I wired a motor starter with oisin at his desk and I painted project boards by the garage door.
  • forward and reverse motor

    what: we wired forward and reverse motors
    Why: we wired these to show how the motor can be used for situations like a conveyer belt
  • Unit 7

    What: we worked on unit 7 Mike holt
    How: we worked on the computers with Mike holt's website
  • Relays and electrical interlock

    What: we wired buttons with relays and electrical interlock
    Who: I worked with oisin for this project
  • forward reverse e stop with mechanical interlocks

    What: we worked on wiring a forward reverse, and emergency stop ccircuit with interlocks
    Who: I worked with oisin on this project.
  • wiring relays

    What: we wired time on relays
    Where: these relays would be used in commercial and industrial situations
  • Theory

    What: we have been learning more theory on motor controls.
    Where: we learned this theory in class and on our Chromebooks.
  • time delay switches

    What: we worked on time delay switches
    where: I worked on time delay switches in shop
  • off delay

    What: I worked on off delay switches
    Where: I worked on off delay switches in shop, they could also be found in commercial buildings