Day 1 - Josh Chivinski
Push buttons
WHERE: Emergency shut off switch
WHAT: They turn machines on and off -
Day 2 - Production (Whole Shop)
WHERE: Traveled to a home in Torrington and a store in Barkhamsted WHY: To see what supplies we need and what is wrong with the job site/house -
Day 3 - X-Frmr Steps 1-4
WHERE: We learned steps to wire ice cube relays in the shop area What: We made the relays maintain and have momentary contact -
Day 4 - Stop Start Buttons Dec 9th
What - we did was learn about Stop Start buttons
Where - I did my project in my desk area -
Day 5 - Mike Holt and Stop and Starts
What: I finished my Start and Stop from yesterday and did a pop quiz on the Unit 3 and 4 Mike Holt Where: We stayed in shop and the Mazones room today -
Day 6 - Motor Controls and Code Questions
How: I wired the Steps 1-3 by reading the diagram that was presented to me and it was for motor starter to power with 120v to move the coil used by a Start and Stop button What: The Code Questions were Questions 13-25 on a NEC code Packet Exam -
Day 7 - Electrical Motor Starter
What: We wired and electric motor starter with mechanical and electrical connections Who: I Worked with Devin as my partner -
Day 8 - December 16th
Who - Me and Devin B
What - We wired an emergency stop and two push buttons with forward and reverse relays and 2 lights -
Day 9 - Holding contacts
Who - Me and Devin B with Mr. T's, (the best electrician ever) help Where - at me and Devin's work area -
Day 10 January 14th - On and Off Delay 8 and 11 pins
Who - Taught in theory by Mr.T
Where - in our theory area -
Day 11 January 15th Adv motor controls
Where - We worked in the our shop area and theory area
What - Today I learned how to find and write sequence of operations -
Day 12 January 16th advanced motor controls
What - We learned how a conveyor run and how a limit switch works
How - A limit switch works by signaling the presence of a object that moves it -
Day 13 January 17th Adv motor controlds
What - we worked with limit switches
Who - I worked with Devin Bradshaw -
Day 14 January 21st Forward and Reversing Single faze motors
What - We learned about limit switches and Forward and Reversing Single faze motor
Who - worked with Devin on advanced motor controls -
Day 15 - January 22nd
Who - Worked with Devin on advanced motor controls
What - Worked with 11 pin relays today for the first time after learning about them in class -
Day 16 - January 23rd
What - We worked on our PLC online assignment
Where - We stayed in the classroom area due to there being a sub all day -
Day 17 - January 24th
What - We took our DSA today and a skills USA assignment
What - We also took a motor controls assessment -
Day 17 - January 27th
What - we watched videos to learn about PLCs and how they work, and where they are used
Where - PLCs help automate warehouses and keep labor cost to a minimum