push buttons day 1
What: Learning about normally open and normally closed contacts.
Why: To better understand how these deviced work, and how we can utilize them on the job site. -
day 1 oisin
production to 2 building, residential and ocmmericial day 2
went to a residential building, open neutral on a kitchen outlet. then to a commerical building, whole mess of work to be done. -
day 3 (4 but snow day)
what: we wired first a button to a relay, then a holding contact switch, then a holding contact with a shut off switch.
why: to further show us the workings of a relay, and allow us a better understanding if how to wire them in the future. -
day 6: motor controls
What :more wiring practice on relays, using a box to mount the buttons and a rail for the relay, as wella s a fuse.
When: took about 1 hour to finish after talking for about 30 minutes ont he proprer learnings of it. -
dual relays. day 7
what: wiring to separate relays to light up one light, one at a time, before then setting up an electrical interlock, preventing both buttons from being pressed to light the light.
Who: a partnership between me and gage -
day 8: motor starter
what: wiring 2 buttons to a motor starter, as well as making it holding circuit as well.
when: Dec 11th 2024. took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the project. -
day 9 forward and reversing motor started with mechaniacal and electrical interlocks
what: wiring both forward and reverse motor starters, while utilizinang their innate mechaniacal interlock, and wiring an electrical interlocks as well.
why: to porpo;early demonstrate the use of an electrical interlocks, and to enhance our knowledge of motor starters, while engaging us into forward and reverse properties. -
day 10
What: Electrical interlocks wiring practice, as well as unit 7 on Mike Holt capacitors.
When, the 13th of December in the year rof our Lord 2024. -
Day 11
What: @ relays with buttons, and a stop button, holding circuits, with lights.
When: finished it in about an hour and a half,
problems: one NO button did not work, did not find out why. -
day 12.
What: a forward, reverse and emergency stop circuit with a button for each leading to a relay, with 3 mechanical interlocks.
Why: a challenge imposed to show and understanding of 3 relays, as well as mechanical interlocks. -
day 15, wiring relays
what, we wired more relays time time with on delays, as well as moving up to 120 volts.
when, this took about an hour to fully wire and test, I could have done it faster, but it was tired. -
day 13 theory
what_ further learning the theory of motor controls, as well as learning a little more on what we will be doing on the dsa, and other tests
when- we will do the tests, on the 24th of janurary -
day 14, wiring time delay switches and relays
doing 12o volt wiring with time delays and relays. -
day 16 further used on delays, in a more advanced setting.
what- used time delay, on relays to further build an understanding on how to use these in the right enviroment
why- to further understand and develop our skills with on delays switches, ot help aid our knowledge of different types of relays. -
day 17,
what- working with off delay relays to make 2 lights turn on and off in syncronisisity
additionally, workshoped how to use an on and off delay to make lights flip on and off eternally,
why- to better understand off relays, as well as to prepare us for the big tests on Friday. -
day 18, day 19
what- we did our dsa, motor controls tests and skills USA test ont hr 18th, then we did plc on the 19th
when- across 2 days, took up most of the 18th, with only a small part of the 19th taken up. -
day 20
what-we studied theory, and discussed whether there are more doors or windows,
when- we used most of the day for theory work, however we ended up using about an hour discussing doors and windows. -
day 21
what-we began working on the motor control wall, and got to using new types of switches
when, it took us a long time to finally get going, due to the unfamiliar nature of this project, I had many questions, so it took a while to finally get going.