Motion pictures timeline

  • Zoetrope

    The Zoetrope is a bowl-like circle with changing pictures so as you spin it, it looks like the pictures are moving.
  • phonautograph

    The "phonautograph" was the first device capable of recording sound signals accorded to "The Routledge Guide to Music Technology." Martinville's device could not reproduce sound signals though.
  • kinetoscope

    Holland brothers open the first kinetoscope in the New York City
    the receipt was over $16,000
    Charles Francis Jenkins was the first person to have a project that was filmed motion picture for the audience
    Senator Bradley forbidden one of the Edison's films
  • motion picture

    motion picture
    W.K.L. Dickson began devoting himself to the project called motion picture
    the good thing is that the motion picture camera was made
  • stencils

    People used stencils to color films
  • first color movie

    Thomas Edison used the Kinetophone process to make the first talking movie.
  • television

    The use of transparent rods to transmit pictures onto the tv