Motion Pictures

  • Period: to

    Motion Pictures

  • First Machine to show animated pictures or movies

    First Machine to show animated pictures or movies
    The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies was a device called the "wheel of life" or "zoopraxiscope." Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln, moving drawings or photographs could be viewed through a slit in the zoopraxiscope.
  • Moving Pictures

    Moving Pictures
    The Edison company successfully demonstrated the Kinetoscope, which enabled one person at a time to view moving pictures. Thomas Edison's interest in motion pictures began before 1888. However, the visit of Eadweard Muybridge to the inventor's laboratory in West Orange in February of that year certainly stimulated Edison's resolve to invent a motion picture camera.
  • First commercial to Film

    First commercial to Film
    In 1889, the first commercial transparent roll film, perfected by Eastman and his research chemist, was put on the market.
  • Motion Picture Camera

    The availability of this flexible film made possible the development of Thomas Edison's motion picture camera in 1891.
  • First Portable Motion Pictures Camera

    Lumières invented was special, however, a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit, and projector called the Cinematographe, basically a device with three functions in one. In 1895, Lumiere and his brother were the first to demonstrate photographic moving pictures projected onto a screen for a paying audience of more than one person
  • Mickeys First Film

    Mickeys First Film
    Mickey Mouse's official birthday is November 18, 1928 when he made his first film debut in Steamboat Willie. This was the first Mickey Mouse cartoon released. However, the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon ever made was Plane Crazy in 1928, it was the third cartoon released. Walt Disney invented Mickey Mouse and the multiplane camera.
  • First Drive In Movie Theater

    Richard M. Hollingshead patented and opened the first drive-in theater. The IMAX system has its roots in EXPO '67 in Montreal, Canada, where multi-screen films were the hit of the fair.
  • First Smaller Camera

    Smaller, lightweight cameras can be held by hand during shooting, usually by means of a body brace and a stabilizing device such as the Steadicam, which was introduced in the 1970s.
  • First Film Colorization

    Film Colorization was invented by Canadians Wilson Markle and Brian Hunt in 1983
  • First Digital Sounds Formats

    Various digital sound formats that can reproduce several distinct channels of sound were introduced in the 1990s. In Digital Theater Systems (DTS), the soundtrack is recorded on compact discs (CDs) and a time-code track is encoded on the film.