Motion pictures

  • Hannibal W. Goodwin

    Hannibal W. Goodwin
    Hannibal W. Goodwin invents film. George Eastman buys the invention and begins mass producing it .
  • Period: to

    Motion pics

  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison introduce the kinetograph , the first true motion picture camera .
  • Edison

    Edison Unveils kinetoscope , a device that allows 1 person at a time to a new motion picture .
  • Auguste and Louis Lumiere

    Auguste and Louis Lumiere
    Auguste and Louis Lumiere give the first public showing of the cinematograph , device that project motion motion pictures on a screen .
  • Edwin Poter

    Edwin Poter
    Edwin Poter produces the Great Train Robbery , the first narrative film .
  • Movie Theather

    Movie Theather
    First nickelodeon opens in Pittsburgh ,PA .
  • First Radio

    First Radio
    Radio is In
    vented and preferred over silent films by public. Film industry begins to decline .
  • Warner Brothers

    Warner Brothers
    Warner Brothers produce full length singing and talking film called The Jazz Singer with popular singer and stage actor during this time named Al Jolson The Audience loved it . !
  • 1930 motion picture

    1930 motion picture
    motion pictures were at their peak during this time .
  • Film Studios .

    Film Studios .
    motion picture industry was monopolized by film studios .