motion pictures

  • zoopraxiscope

    • 1867 first machine in the U.S was invented with motion pictures
  • final support for motion pictures

    final support for motion pictures
    • 1889 finally motion pictures was invented
  • history film

    history film
    • History film start 1890s
  • perfect device

    perfect device
    • 1920 inventors competed to make a perfect device (TV)
  • cable

    • Cable start in 1948
  • Tv invented

    Tv invented
    • Tv started in 1960
  • Tv famous

    Tv famous
    • In 1961 Tv became much famous
  • wires for cable was made

    wires for cable was made
    • 1965 Dolan makes wires in Manhattan
  • film directors

    film directors
    • 1972 film directors begin to express their personal vision
  • household subscribled

    household subscribled
    • 1980 57% households subscribed to cable
  • 2000s love films and more

    2000s love films and more
    • 2000-2014 made wireless and more technology events installed to films, cable and television