motion pictures

  • facts

    Did you that W.K.L. Dickson began devoking himself to the project called motion picture
    the good thing is that the motion picture camera was made
  • motion pictures

    motion pictures
    a machine that uses a peep hole was unveiled by edison
    the machina was called kinetograph
    they forgot the people overseas
  • facts

    Holland brothers open the first kinetoscope in the New York City
    the receipt was over $16,000
    Charles Francis Jenkins was the first person to have a project that was filmed motion picture for the audience
    Senetor Bradley forbided one of the Edisons films
  • facts

    There was a new tripod for the filming for a smooth and quick
    There was consist of a single shot
    there were some mutli-shot pictures in the films
  • facts

    the theaters used projecters that needed 70mm and not the normal standerd form of 35
    the dramatic and comic became boring to the audiences
    It lowers the fees and the profit tumble
  • edison trust

    edison trust
    The trust let there members acces the cameras and projectors
    they used stencels to add color to the films
    A fire destroyed the vitagraph company of america
  • John Logie

    John Logie
    The used of transparent rods to transmit pictures onto the tv
    The theater chain wastaken over by Metro Pictures Corporation
    There was lack of sales overseas that the American motion picture was reduced to 50% and 5,000 lost their jobs
  • the movie

    the movie theater lower there prices and giving away prizes to get people to come
    This was the time period of the depression and the attendence drop
    they would try to draw children in on saturdays to watch cartoons