Taking pictures gets easier
With the new Collodion process, cameras only needed a few seconds of light exposure to make a picture. -
First successful photographs of motion.
British photographer Eadweard Muybridge takes the first successful photographs of motion, showing how people and animals move. -
Bristish Inventor William Friese-Greene
British inventor William Friese-Greene experimented with the use of oiled paper as a way to display motion pictures in 1885. By 1887 he was experimenting with the use of celluloid. -
First Patented Film Camera Designed
The First Patented film camera was designed in England by Louis De Prince in 1888. After previous trial and error Louis Le Prince was able to develop a single lens camera, which he used to shoot the first sequences of moving film in the world. Such as Roundhay Garden Scene and Leeds Bridge. -
Invention of the first motion-picture camera.
The start of the film industry began with the invention of motion picture cameras and the establishment of the first production companies and cinemas. -
Invention of the Kinetographic Camera
Designed by William Kennedy Laurie Dickson the camera was powered by an electric motor and was capable of shooting with the new sprocketed film. This allowed the film strip to stop long enough so each frame could be fully exposed and then change quicky to the next frame. This was the first practical system of high spreed film movement that would be the foundation for the next century of cinematography. -
Thomas Edison displays his Kinetoscope at the World's Columbian Exhibition in Chicago and receives patents for his movie camera, the Kinetograph. -
Presentation of the first commercial exhibition of projected motion pictures.
Two French brothers, Louis and August Lumiere patent a combination movie camera and projector, capable of projecting an image that can be seen by many people. In Paris, they present the first commercial exhibition of projected motion pictures. -
First movie theater opens in Pittsburgh.
The first movie theater opens in Pittsburgh. -
Sound in Film
Lee DeForrest demonstrates a method for recording sound on the edge of a film strip.