
  • The First Sightings

    The First Sightings
    November 12 1966 five men were digging a grave at a cemetery near Point Pleasant West Virginia this was the first sighting of the mothman
  • Sightings Continue

    Sightings Continue
    With the next few days more sightings of this strange flying creature occur near an old WW2 TNT factory.
  • Paterson bigfoot film

    Paterson bigfoot film
    This may not be mothman but it sure made a big headline in monster hunting the Paterson film of bigfoot.
  • Tragities

    The silver bridge collapsed 46 people lost their lives the mothman was seen the night before the tragitie. Since then he has been seen before many tragities. They think he was responsible for the collapse/
  • More Tragities

    More Tragities
    When the World Trade Centers got hit by the planes a big winged creature was flying around the two towers was this the mothman nobody really knows but a lot of people think it was him.
  • Mothman Prophecies

    Mothman Prophecies
    Mothman Prophecies was a movie based on true events with the mothman
  • 2006 sighting

    2006 sighting
    So the mothman was sighted on easter flying above the trees
  • Modern Sighting

    Modern Sighting
    He was about 2 meters tall and flew strongly
  • 2011 sighting

    2011 sighting
    In Butler County Pennslyvania the creature was seen in the early morning hours the creature was hanging out in a grassy area the legs were really muscular
  • 2016 sighting

    2016 sighting
    An anonymos but he was driving down the road and saw a winged creature in the evening sky
  • The Mothman Festival

    The Mothman Festival
    Every year there is a festival for this creature the festival in 2002 they made a large metallic statue of the creature placed in Point Pleasant West Virginia.
  • Is Mothman an alien?

    Is Mothman an alien?
    To this day people wonder if the mothman is an alien, one big ufo sighting that has nothing to do with the mothman is called the Pheonix Lights these strange lights flew over Pheonix Arizona at night. But to today nobody knows much of either.