Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis

  • Date of Birth / Father

    Born in the mountains of Switzerland. Her father was a royal guard for King Louis XVI
  • Childhood

    Lived during the Prodestant Reformation. Affected by and responded to the needs created by the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution - time of great persecution of Catholics. Attended the Visitation school at Fribourg at 12.
  • Entering the Visitation Community

    Entered the Visitation comunity after professing her vows in 1816. After French Revolution, re-established the visitation community in Troyes, France and became known as Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis. People called her "the Good Mother". Was called to establish a religious community of men who would live in the Spiritual Directory of SFDS and spread his vision of the gospel
  • Convincing Fr. Brisson

    It took her 30 years to convince Fr. Brisson to fulfill this vision and found a religious community dedicated to SFDS
  • Date of Death

    Died in the Visitation Monestary at Troyes
  • Celenrating Her Contribution

    We celebrate her contribution to the church on October 12, Oblate Founders Day.