born on December 22
born on December 22 -
I was on mom and dad's first birthday
my parents baptized me
my parents separated
I entered my first day of the garden
I graduated as a preschool
I had my first sister Alejandra Garcia Velasco
The birth of my second sister was on January 12
I graduated fifth grade of primary
enter the group of gymnastics cheerleading
Confirm me in December
I had my first pet a squirrel
I graduated from basic
I graduated eleven
my parents celebrated my 16th in a nightclub
i traveled to eje cafetero With my friends
I graduated as a higher normalist
I entered the university
i get my first job like teacher
i traveled to tunja to an educational forum
trip to tunja to an educational forum
i traveled to medellin with friends from the university
traveled to medellin with friends from the university
celebrate the birthday of my maternal grandparents as a family