
Most Significant Battles of WWII

  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The Battle of the Atlantic was mostly the Germans trying to starve out Britain. They would raid British supply boats that crossed the Atlantic. The only way the British survived was by making new boats that were heavily armed. This was the longest battle of World War II and it conntinued until 1945. Thousands of ships were sunk in the Atlantic Ocean within these years. Many men were killed due to sunken ships.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain was commenced by Germany, who needed to gain control of the English Channel. It was the first major battle that was fought entirely by air forces. Britain had attained victory due to the ability they had, if it hadn't been for their planes being able to refuel and rearm quickly they would have been outnumbered and taken out. Germany's first failure is considered a crucial turning point for World War II.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    There were two Battles of El Alamein, both fought in the same time period and in the same region, El Alamein, Egypt. During the Battle of El Alamein the allies in Europe were having difficulties dealing with Operation Barbossa and the Battle of the Atlantic. At the end of this battle once again Germany had to retreat due to eing hopelessly outnumbered. This battle was truly unsuccesful for Germany along with many others.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad, in Russia, is usually classiffied as the most brutal battle in World War II.At the time Stalingrad was Russia's centre of communication, therefore to conquer Russia the Germans had to first take control of their communication. This battle is considered by many historians as the turning point for Europe. As a result of Russia's power and size in army, Germany was forced to surrender. Hitler got furious, he even stripped a Marshall of his title and made a day of mourning.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    Known as the greatest tank battle of World War II. This time when Russia was struck, near Moscow, they were prepared. They had strong counter-strikes everywhere and surprised Germany yet again. Germans once again had to retreat, defeated. The loss that Russia had given Germany was massive, 500,000 were killed, wounded, or missing.